Well that's crap.

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Phydeaux, 23 Aug 2006.

  1. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Apparently we're losing special ranking over at NSider. So Craig will be losing his Shades of Grey. Still a Sage, though, right, man?

    I've developed this irrational hate for Sages, though. Down in PowerOn they're coming out of the woodwork to try and squelch the discussion by throwing their two cents around with some elitism mixed in. It's awesome to watch how people with no power can walk into a place and instantly get it handed to them by the populace.
  2. Shame about the ranks. Phydeaux, I agree with you about the whole system on NSider. Everyone should be treated equally. Even the bible says that. Nobody should have a better rank or whatever becuse they have made more posts. They should have a better rank because they make greater contributions to the society on the forums.

    You shouldn't worry about the Power On forum though. It's only there to get post counts and the like up so people don't post as much spam on the boards where people try to have decent conversations.

    On this forum though, a quick browse through the members list shows that the people on this forum with the highest post counts probably are the best members. (Tepples, Nick[duh], C-T and the like). Thats because people post on this forum becuase they want to make a contribution, not so they can get a sig under their posts.

  3. I can't speak for otheres, but there are quite a lot of damn fine TGM players that mostly lurk. Both Japanese and otherwise.
  4. I meant 'best' in terms of the qualtiy of their contributions (though it does seem to correlate with Tetris ability). On NSider there are a lot of people with huge ranks/post counts who are best described as jerks.
  5. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    i think forums that do anything but give you a differnt subtitle for having more posts are kind of lame, because some people like to browser the forums and make few posts, but the few posts they make are meaningful.
  6. specialized forums, like this one, are soooo much better than any major network. all of the posts here are interesting, informative, relevant, and actually thought-out for the most part. nintendo's forums are loaded with all but these. i know its been commented about here before, but the number of "should I....." posts over there is absolutely mind-boggling. i often feel that the should-I's are some kind of running joke that i'm not in on(they are all mysteriously alike as if instructed how to ask this). as well as the number of misinformed people and ideas there. even worse are the elitest communities like a certain qj.net that i tend to read at (i don't recommend spending any significant amount of time there). you have to pay money!! to become a premium member there which gets you: sig image abilities, removal of ads, and you can change your name color, among other crappy features. i was shot down quickly by asking to bend the non-premium rules to allow the blockstats rank button in my sig there. it seems regular members can only have user-bar tall images, even though the blockstat button is smaller in area than a full user-bar. aaggh, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth over there, and they are ostracizing their own community. oh well, had to get that out. i feel better now.
  7. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    zomg should i get tetris ds is it any good
  8. cosmonaut

    cosmonaut Unregistered

    phydeaux you're being way too kind to them, their posts aren't that developed.

    it should read:

    sholud i get this game? is it good?


    whats a tspni?
  9. oh, and why the hell can't you edit posts there? that combined with ranks based on post count = encouragement of unnecessary posts. my rough estimate for ratio of decent threads/posts to total crap there is 1:25.

    there should be some sort of forced reading of the faq, and then a test for retention of that reading. [​IMG] ranks should then be based on your test score. it's totally backwards how it is now.

    there should also be a standard answer to "should i?" of "if you have to ask, then no" or just plain "no"
  10. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    I think I like your approach, DeepDorp, to get some milage out of a topic by being the guy that says "no".

    What I have been doing is giving an equally unhelpful answer of "If you like anything you'll love TetrisDS!"

    As for the lack of editing, the excuses that the people who do have editing capabilities are really, really lame.

    Seriously, it should never be a "privilege" to edit, because that's how they treat it. If anything, it's an awesome deterrent of postcount++;. Tell the n00bs, look, that's a double post. You're going delete that last post before someone replies, and edit the body of that post into the one directly before it. Do it now or you're getting a few days off since this is the 20th time I've told you to do this. In this forum alone.

    For reading on it, not that it's worth trudging through anyway, but if you've got nothing better to do and like reading what happens when an old fart tries to put the.... what're the kids calling it these days? Smackdown? On a bunch of tweenagers, here's some links:

    http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/boa ... #M16625404

    http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/boa ... #M16624399

    Yes, yes, two topics on the same thing. Caused by a moderator no less since the Admins are too fucking stupid to enable their KoH to be able to make stickies (or, I'm sorry, "float") of a topic not created by a mod.

    I swear, it might be necessary when you have almost 100k members or whatever, but the invision software is the shittiest shit that ever did shit a shit.

    It's 5pm and I'm going to bed. T3h interwebs infuriate me.
  11. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Except some mods on some forums that allow post editing have been totalitarian about it, such that even if a fellow posts new information, such as the solution he found to the problem that was the topic, he can't bump the topic to the top because he happened to have had the last post a day or three ago, and thus the solution should remain unread.
  12. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Much as I hate arbitrary rules, I find the staff of NSider to be mostly incompetent. I've been told that I'm also on "Bronsen's List" where he scans through my Tracker daily, looking for violations.

    It's like, get a life. If there's a problem, someone will report it.

  13. [​IMG]
  14. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    they need a rep system, so you actualy have to be helpful to get a better rank.
  15. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Yeah, if Sages were selected by a minimum of rep points by NOAs, I'd have absolutely nothing to complain about.

    Something visual for us to work off of, and not something that "oh, you have this many rep points, you're now a Sage definitely" since it can still be in their court.
  16. OK. Im officially pissed off with the mods on NSider. Cheating claims get banned almost immediately, even when backed up with proof, while blatant racist claims are left on. I'm on a work PC, so cant get the link, but the gist was that Japanese players are good because they spend 23 hours a day on Tetris, with a one hour break to watch Pokmon.

    Am I the only one to find that a blatant display o racism?
  17. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Whoa, someone got busted for a cheating claim?
  18. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I read it that someone got busted for accusing someone else of cheating, with evidence. It reminds me of a story I once read, about a little wooden boy who made a big investment mistake:

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