And a 3 minute game If you can beat those on TOD M4, feel free to post a video response. If you want to learn how to operate VBA's movie recording controls, I can help you.
@tepples: i have no idea of how you coded that fusion of tetris tiles to 4x4 big squares. can you give me a hint?
caffeine is right. The game depicted in this video is free software; you can examine the source code. A newer game uses the same algorithm, with a few minor optimizations. Or do you want the algorithm for recognizing squares explained in English in this forum and/or on the wiki?
herc: it's open source. Code: [] [] [] [] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] Whoa what's going to happen?
I seem to remember that I did an investigation of corner cases of The New Tetris back in 2000 when I originally coded the PC prototype of TOD. I'll have to check again and see if my interpretation of the corner cases was correct. Test case 1: Code: OO II ,--.II OOL II => | |II OOL II | |II OOLLII `--'II
I seem to remember that TNT looked for golds before silvers, but I'm working on reverifying that. I'll paste more cases as I find them. Code: LLLL ,--. LLLL | | OO => | | OO `--' IIII IIII IIII IIII EDIT: My memory was right. Code: JJ III JJ,--. JJ III => JJ| | JJ III JJ| | JJ III JJ`--'
So, gold has priority over the left bias. Does gold also have priority over the height bias? ? > Gold > ? > Left > ? Too bad you can't test what gets priority between height and left biases. But since you can't test it, it doesn't really matter. Code: [][] [][]??!? [][][][] [][][][] [][] [][] [][] [][] [][][][] [][][][] <EDIT> Here's a test of Gold vs Height: Code: JJJJ JJJJ LLL L LLLL LLLL
thanks for hinting, i will check the source of LJ. but of course a short/rough explanation in a few words here or in the wiki would be great. how do you scan for these 4x4 blocks? do you keep blocks accociated to the tetromino after dropping that tetromino? or can it be done just by somehow scanning that 10x20 playfield consisting of blocks of different colors?
Actually, yes I can test it by making a hurdle. I just don't have the space to do so in this digression. I'll wikify any further descriptions here. The height priority is incorrect in LJ 0.25 and will be fixed.
Interesting. Having never played much of the game, I didn't know "hurdles" could be used to bring pieces together to form squares. I thought square formation was restricted to the most recent piece only. So to check what has priority you'd have to build something like this: Code: LLLL Z LLLLT ZZIIIITTTI ZOOOOOO I OOOOOO I IIIIIIIISI JJJJ SS JJJJ S That would be a heroic effort. And I'll add, that even though Occam's razor points towards a priority of Gold > Height/Left, you can't say that with confidence without testing it specifically. Well, if (Gold >) Left > Height then you wouldn't have to test it, but you get the idea. On the plus side if you test the relatively simple Gold vs Height and find Height > Gold (> Left), then you wouldn't have to do the ungodly setup in this post. All this to find the particular nesting of some for loops.
Ok, I'm home now and able to view *shudders* realmedia files. There was a hurdle setting up 2 silver squares at once, but it wasn't the same thing we're talking about here at all. There was no conflict of square formation. So yeah, we're still breaking new ground here. Wish I had a copy of the game. The latest wiki entries on its special rotation techniques are raising my respect for it.
@tepples: thanks alot for describing that algorithm in the wiki! it looks so easy now once you opened my eyes (ugh, how to say that with an english phrase..) i hope i get that into my code somehow...