I posted this long time ago on my website, but i don't think many people visits there. http://www.4399.com/flash/37705_2.htm Pretty cool little game, probably it's easier if you know chinese (in menu there is hint option), but i finished it without the problem. Concept is quite similiar to This Is The Only Level, but it's rather short.
How do you progress? I played level 3 for 15-20 minutes (where the fire burns holes in the center column at each spawn)
As in the first two levels, you need to break the star block to progress. You need to defend that star block since it is in the flame column, otherwise you're stuck and need to go back to the menu to try again.
Gah! Finally beat level 9. It's complete BS, in my opinion. Impossible to beat without getting really lucky with the randomizer.
playing this again, and i think stage 9 can be beaten with spin/twist, without dragging it away. for example, just spin the first I when approaching the gap, you can clear 1 line, leaving the stone floating. and when spinning, the stone is not considered as a block, so it's possible to "spin onto" the stone. try?