The original Tetris

Thread in 'Discussion' started by makalaka, 29 Jul 2006.

  1. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

  2. mat


    anyone have a copy of that game btw?
  3. Just an FYI, that video was available on the BPS website some time ago. Possibly it still is. And unlike the misleading description, it is not the first Tetris. Not even an emulation of it. It's a reproduction from Tetris Worlds. It's pretty close to the real thing, but there are some important differences.

    Those wanting to see the REAL first Tetris are encouraged to watch the BBC documentary on Tetris next time it airs. Unfortunately there is no legal way to otherwise see this documentary.
  4. whoops >_>
  5. No worries, I thought it was genuine for a while also.

    Notice the Random Generator in action here. Presumeably a limitation of World's theming capabilities.
  6. tetrisdude

    tetrisdude Unregistered

    wow, its really colorless
  7. It's on Google Video. Not quite legal to see it by that way though.
  8. in case you want to <a href="">save the movie</a>.

    no telling how long this will stay up on google video.
  9. Bander87

    Bander87 Unregistered

    NVM Ok! (ignore this edited post [​IMG] )

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