The most impressive VOD ?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by zorguld, 4 Dec 2006.

  1. zorguld

    zorguld Unregistered

    I'm looking for video of great Tetris gaming.

    Where could i found impressive video?

    I found this one:

    TGM Shirase Mode

    Is there another great video?
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I can't load it with my fuckin school pc but I've recognized the screenshoot..

    I'm sure this is the last record of shirase as we know..Colour_thief?Confirmation? [​IMG]
  3. propeller

    propeller Unregistered

    Level 1300 in 5:08.71

    When you can watch it just imagine that a minute or so faster.
  4. propeller

    propeller Unregistered

  5. Well, that video is the most impressive one I know of anyways. Though reportedly players have shaved off another 30 seconds or so.
  6. polly's quadra vid, lapsilap's fifty-downstack vid, a number of the dtet dtvs, and that anonymous hebo vid come to mind.

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