The funny youtube comments thread

Thread in 'Discussion' started by jujube, 24 May 2008.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    please post any funny/ignorant/ridiculous comments to tetris videos you've seen. more importantly, get out there and educate people! if they won't come to us let's go to them [​IMG]

    i've seen better, but this one really got me laughing. i've never been so insulted and at the same time so gratified [​IMG]
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    MichaelCortino : This game is the best Tetris version Ever

    Amnesia : I am bored and desesperated to read some comments like that..

    MichealCortino, I can't believe what you are saying..Poor soul..Try to get more accurate infos when you surf on the net..

    Pff..Continue to watch such poor tetris games if you want..

    MichaelCortino : Tetris is not a game, it's an algoritm. And if you are bored, get a life out of internet. Or what, you like to get some bad comments and create a new account every time someone respond your absurd comments?

    I agree that I am not always very sympathic, but I remember that I was in a bad humor this day..
  3. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

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