During the end of the last August, PetitPrince, mfm and I have been invited in the HQ of NolifeTV in Paris, in order to record an emission dedied to TGM. The emission is "Superplay", the topic is not hard to get, some superplayers of several games are invited one time per month to present their passion. This time it is TGM !! The date was the January 26th at 7:30pm (french hour) The chanel is exactely : NOLIVE TV http://www.nolife-tv.com/ The program is : - First part : presentation of TGM with PetitPrince commenting and explaining his last Gm performance. - Second part : presentation of TAP with me commenting and presenting : -----My first TAP MASTER M performance -----A common TAP DEATH M performance here is three links for the show : [TC]Nolife-TV_-_Superplay_The_Tetris_Emission.avi (mufunyo.net) [TC]Nolife-TV_-_Superplay_The_Tetris_Emission.avi (mirror.meroigo.com) [TC]Nolife-TV_-_Superplay_The_Tetris_Emission.avi (mindflyer.net)
I have access to loads of French channels on satellite (Astra 19.2E), but NOLIFE TV isn't in the channel list.
AFAIK , Nolife is only available in France through web TV on ISP such as Free, Orange, Alice, Neuf and the Mosaic mobile thing.
I heard about this from PetitPrince a while ago and I'm looking forward to it. I don't have access to the channel so I hope it will be put online by someone. English subtitles aren't necessary for me.
yes please upload the video after the show airs. i can't wait to rip it and name the segments "France Tetris Finals" and "Switzerland Tetris Finals"
we just have to respect the decision of the animator..He doesn't wish to see the video spread on youtube or daylimotion.. I don't remember exactely the reasons..At least, NOLIFE TV doesn't wish to make know everywhere that they make some show about videogames extracted from an emulator..
I think the "don't spread it" request is taken maybe a bit too seriously. I've already seen a shmup special and it was even subtitled. As long as we keep it off Youtube etc we should be ok. Is anyone else having nocturnal emissions in anticipation of this?
I don't know what worries me more... the fact that you are, or the fact that the stains on Rosi's bed suggests that he is...
Disgusting... Even if I don't appear onscreen, it is very rude of you to not mention I was there too...
je te demande vraiment pardon..Je t'en suppli ne te met pas croire que je te boycotte ! Bon je suis quand meme dgout, prend ca comme une ptite revanche, cet encul de Cyrille a choisi CETTE semaine pour se casser !! la personne la plus proche de moi que je connais et qui a Nolife est PARIS !! je vais rater l'emission toute la semaine !!
I forgive you... If you promise to be very kind to me from now on... (and quit posting in french here). I can record the show for you (all) unless someone else does.
The most people will record it, the better it will be, my sister will try, a friend of my little sister will do it, but they are not expert for encoding, compression, etc..So I am sure that if you do it mfm, we will get soon this video.