Tetris related Jokes

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Lewis, 27 Jun 2008.

  1. Lewis

    Lewis Unregistered

    I'm not sure whether this has been mentioned before, but does anyone know any tetris-related jokes?
  2. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    A lot of people would claim that those parts of the Guideline that first showed up in Tetris Worlds (2001) are a joke. (Remember c_t's "wonderful bullshit" post?)
  3. Muf


    Punch in my username on the wiki...
  4. So a man walks into a bar and says....

    "Where the hell were you when I needed you???"

    ...I'll get my coat.
  5. Muf


    rforoflforfl [​IMG]
  6. ...

    Oh, now I get it.
    *insert laugh track*
  7. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Needing a bar? I'm afraid that's a DDR joke [​IMG]

    In my opinion, Tetris lends itself better to sight gags (e.g. Tetris scenes in Family Guy and Simpsons) than to jokes.
  8. I canT cOnTrIbuTe anyThIng wOrThwhILe TO ThIS meSSage Thread, cuZ I dOnT knOw any TeTrIS JOkeS LOL !
  9. Two Z pieces are sitting at the bottom of a well.

    The first one says "Everyone really hates us, huh?"

    The other one says "OH MY GOD, A TALKING Z PIECE!!!"
  10. Why was TGM3 sent to the doctor?

    Because it had red I.

    Why did the T-Spin cross the road?

    It didn't just cross, it imperial crossed.
  11. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  12. Lewis

    Lewis Unregistered

  13. d

    d Unregistered

  14. rosti
  15. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    Old one, but..

    So hitler is on the roof of his house with jewish prisoners.

    He turns to one of the prisoners and says, "You! Jump like this, with your arms this way."

    The jew jumps off the roof and breaks all his bones.

    He turns to another one, "You! Curl up into a ball, and jump right next to him."

    The jew jumps off the roof and breaks all his bones.

    "And now you..."

    Hitler's wife is calling from inside... "Adolf! Dinner!"

    "Awww, but I didn't even get to tetris yet!"

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