Tetris Plus - the one with the professor

Thread in 'Discussion' started by matt, 18 May 2006.

  1. Anybody played this?

    I have it but I've not played it to any degree yet.


  2. I played it.

    The only comment I can give is that my friend said that the assistant was hot.

    (ok, really, it's a weird game with how the levelup system works, and how puzzle mode is)
  3. No not yet, but I have been meaning to get a copy of it. I have played Tetris Plus for GB though.

    - Jono
  4. I think I'll play it tonight - I mean why not. [​IMG]

    I'll report back
  5. I never played much of it, but some people must have really liked it because there is a sequel out there.

    It's sort of like Puzzle Bobble meets Tetris.
  6. d

    d Unregistered

    I actualy have that sequel. It's pretty great and features a vs mode for 'normal' Tetris.

    The plus puzzle mode, with the professor is pretty cool. Different twist for Tetris heads. You have to think different.
  7. d

    d Unregistered

    Here's the sequal part 2 for sale, I just saw it!: http://cgi.ebay.nl/Tetris-Plus-2-PCB-JA ... dZViewItem

    I have it and I paid more than this. pretty rare stuff. I like it, but try in mame first so you won't be dissappointed. This game shows up something like 3 times a year (guestimation) I think, pretty rare indeed!
  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    So it's like getting NES games from Tom Nook in Animal Crossing, I take it.
  9. If I can ever figure out what the hell I'm doing I might post a couple of Tetris Plus pics that I've had on my computer for ages, just waiting for this day to come....
  10. Here we go, I think.

    The loading screen. This was the background on my desktop for ages....


    Now my name is not Bob, but I used to use that all the time when you could only put your three initials in a game. These are my high scores from around 2001-2002. My best game was 691,700 points, 429 lines, level 93. I still have the memory card with the game save on it and it is still there. I was just playing this about 3 weeks ago. If I remember right, when I got my high score I had to start building my tetrises down the middle because the pieces were locking so fast. Couldn't get the I's over before they locked.


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