Tetris Live

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Budster, 28 Aug 2009.

  1. It seems promising. I really just wish it weren't in Flash.
  2. People should start getting into this. It's looking to be very similar to Tetris DS wifi for the PC, with a few alterations and the addition of things like custom DAS.
  3. Custom in what way? And do we get IRS/IHS?
  4. IRS and IHS are promised.

    Custom in a way in which I don't know because it's still in Beta and the options screen isn't working yet, but it has been promised.

  5. Ok, wake me up when they deliver on those promises.
  6. That's actually real interesting they are going to put in initial rotate, but I don't see how you can use it other than during line clear delays.
  7. It's useful at high speeds for sure, even if it only comes up with line clears. The main thing for me is that I expect it to happen, so when it doesn't I make misdrops.
  8. Funny story: Tetris Friends used to have IRS/IHS and I used it all the damn time in Ultra. Then, one day, TTC said they had to go for some undisclosed reason. Apparently it gets to come back now.
  9. XeaLcbbLoggingIn

    XeaLcbbLoggingIn Unregistered

    its such a TOJ wannabe.

    but it would be good once they get it up and running.

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