Tetris in LunaticRave 2

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Zeta, 30 May 2008.

  1. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    it's not often you find something as unusual as a tetris game appearing in a BMS player*


    first off, if you aren't even set up to handle japanese programs, you may wanna take the time to do so. grab your XP disc and install the japanese language support files (someone else can explain the full procedure there) and set non-unicode programs to Japanese. Lunatic Rave 1 required you to change your standards and numbers to Japanese format, but Lunatic Rave 2 does not.

    second, find some BMS's. no, not the rips from BeatMania, get something that's original, not copyrighted by BEMANI, and won't get flagged by Lunatic Rave. if you can, find a song you like. if you have no experience in that field, google ONOKEN and SHIKI.

    now comes the fun part. put the bms('s) (and all related .wav files) into their respective folders (they can be whatever you want unless it has the word 2DX or IIDX in it. that guarantees a blacklist from LunaticRave). load up LunaticRave's config program and (using explorer) drag the folder into the JUKEBOX1 window. set other settings as you want.

    now that we've got a song and stuff is set up, run Lunatic Rave 2 and in the search prompt, type in "/lunaris" and hit enter. if done correctly, "[LUNARIS] on." should appear in the search prompt. select your song (for BGM, Time limit, and BGA) and go for broke.

    I have not figured out all the controls, as this is meant to be played with a BeatMania Controller. it'll take some time to do so.

    also. don't bug LaValse about bugs, as s/he is not providing support for non-JP Operating Systems. (I believe this decision stems back to when LunaticRave 1 was released)

    * BMS players, using the Japanese definition, are programs that allow you to play BMS files as if they were a rhythm game. 99% of them have an actual BeatMana-style game mode.
  2. A few things I remember about this mode from when I played it a while back:

    1) Well is obviously 8 columns wide. Turntable lane is a very wide column, which is visually confusing.

    2) Rotation system is antiquated, and has a very strange table for the T.

    3) No wall kicks.

    4) Health bar drains slowly. Line clears fill it. Like IIDX, you must exceed 80% at the end of the song. Tetris is a JGreat, Double/Triple are Great, Single are Good.

    5) BPM changes affect the rate the piece falls

    6) No lock delay.

    7) IIRC, no/very poor DAS.

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