Tetris art

Thread in 'Discussion' started by jujube, 13 Apr 2007.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered


    does anyone else have some tetris art?

    edit: i have a video up on youtube

    isolated blocks

    DIGITAL Unregistered

  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Should I take this as a request for "secret grade" recognition in LJ?
  4. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    whoa awesome digital [​IMG]

    secret grade recognition would be nice, but i don't know how practical it would be to stack 20 columns high like digital did. maybe if one were to leave all 7 tetrimino-shaped holes anywhere in the playing field it would qualify?

    DIGITAL Unregistered

  6. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    Someone posted a link months ago to a japanese wiki with kick-ass Tetris art on the DS. I'll try to find it.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    O RLY

  8. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

  9. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    that's awesome [​IMG] i tried to make a checkerboard like the 2nd pic but didn't get very far and gave up on it. that must have been really hard once the speed got up to 20G.
  10. Impressive !
  11. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

  12. kylpen

    kylpen Unregistered

  13. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    First post -- and first attempt at negative tetrominoes that I'm pretty satisfied with. It's not perfect though, as it contains two O-tetromino holes, three holes of size 1, two of size 2, one of size 3, and one of size 7. No L3 hole, though. [​IMG]


    P.S. The holes have been colored to show the shapes of the holes.



    EDIT2: 0.44 replay file
  14. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    Off to do more Tetris art! [​IMG]
  15. kapat

    kapat Unregistered

    i tried to wright my name, but it's a lot harder then i thought. i have a dream i was in front of an audience preforming magic tricks with tetris like writing poeples names and stuff.


  16. i see a figure skater with a hat.
  17. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    i see Alexey Pajitnov wearing a hat.
  18. ok changed my mind. it's alexey skating, holding the olympic torch, wearing a hat.
  19. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    Hey, that looks like me!

    Anyway, check out the video on my sig. What d'ya think?

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