Tetris 64 by Seta - modes

Thread in 'Discussion' started by davyk, 6 Jul 2013.

  1. Have just ordered a copy of Seta's Tetris64 for myJPN N64.

    There doesn't seem to be much info about it but there is the odd youtube video. Looking at those I see that each main mode has a sub-mode of A type, B-type and C-type.

    I have heard of A and B (regular and target number of lines) but has anyone heard of c-type? Googling seems to give hits about c-type soundtrack but not gameplay.....in Tetris 64 you seem to select A,B or C type and then go onto music selection - so c-type must be a gameplay mode.
  2. In Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss, C-Type is a rising garbage mode. If A-Type and B-Type match up to the usual expectation, perhaps C-Type will as well.
  3. cool - OK. Thanks for that.

    I'm quite looking forward to trying this out - there's a giga mode (with A,B and C sub modes) in which giant pieces fall interspersed with normal sized pieces. These large pieces break up and fall with gravity when lines containing them are formed.

    There's also the heart monitor mode(!) which has the speed connected to your pulse (there's a peripheral that clips onto your ear and connects to the controller (!) and it also throws in odd shaped pieces.

    There's multi-player too (up to 4) and options that let you adjust the size of the pit etc.

    No idea how well it will control though - its hard to adjust to older games that don't have delays, kicks and other modern features.
  4. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    For the heartbeat mode, there's two variation. one that gets harder as the heartbeat goes up, and one the gets easier.
  5. Sounds as if the speed up heart monitor mode should come with a health warning!!

    My copy won't be with that accessory but genkivideogames seem to have them in stock.
  6. Been ages since I played my copy but could C-Type be the giga tetris mode?
  7. The videos I have seen show a menu for standard, giga and monitor modes - then a menu for type A , B and C - so I don't think C = giga.
  8. Got hold of this today - C-Type, as suggested by Kitaru, adds garbage onto the bottom every so often.

    The level progression is odd - it seems to slow right down at level 19 and then build up again - the max. speed level appears to be 30. I got to level 31 and I'm no star player - so this seems quite an easy version of the game. The randomiser seems to favour throwing 2 or 3 of the same shape at you from time to time - enough to be noticeable - reminds me of New Tetris which does that to aid square creation.

    B Type is the classic 25 line Nintendo mode. The Giga mode (with A,B and C options) is a nice alternative. The big pieces break up and then fall under gravity (not unlike New Tetris when you perform a twist move) and you can select the width of the pit in giga mode too.

    Control is typical of the time - soft drops but no hard and no wall kicks either. There is lock delay and charging. It is pretty responsive and feels nice to play even for an old game. The look is pleasing - everything is nice and clear and the music is original (4 tracks or silence) and of pretty decent quality.

    Will investigate the multi-player modes. It lets you play the bio-sensor mode even without the peripheral - it will increase speed every 10 lines like this - it throws a fair number of odd shapes at you along with the regular 7.

    EDIT: There's an option screen that lets you switch on wall kicks and also toggle the rotation system - pretty cool for a game this age. You can also toggle random piece colours and random spawned piece alignment. There is also a double rotation option but i can't figure out what that is actually doing.

    Multi-player is straight up battle tetris only - no B or C types supported which is kind of a shame - though you can start with garbage a la B-Type if you want. You can also play multi-player giga mode and 2 player bio sensor mode. Garbage is directed at other players by using the N64 camera buttons - you can store your attacks up and then dish them out a line at a time to different players which is cool. Attacks consist of random garbage - not like modern games that leave a column empty to allow for counter attacking.

    You can also select smooth or line based shape movement. This is a pretty full featured game given its age and the fact that it is a console game - really glad I picked this one up.
    Last edited: 15 Jul 2013
  9. The versus is weird. It's up to 4 players and you get to target players with your garbage. Also your garbage isn't automatically sent, you stockpile a garbage reserve and then choose when to use it. And the stockpile carries over between rounds.
  10. Yeah - I actually like the garbage system - quite original - a least I haven't seen it before in other games. You can select your target in New Tetris but it doesn't let you stockpile attacks the way Tetris64 does which also lets you dump a line of garbage at a time so you can spread the love!!

    Another interesting feature is the preview piece at the top of the display will move left or right when you charge up - lets you see where it will enter the pit.
    Last edited: 16 Jul 2013

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