TC = Perverts land

Thread in 'Discussion' started by K, 16 Sep 2008.

  1. K


    summary : this web site is blocked by TrendMicro
    See what happen when you talk too much about stick, lever, and "I red stick" [​IMG]

  2. blame the cock piece and the ass block...
  3. I blame muf and his wiki user page.
  4. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Oops, sorry guys.
  5. Yeah, I blame the stick talk too.
  6. hahah. Its been a while since I have used Japanese, but after listing the site URL, the text below reads "Category: Game" which probably just means it blocks it because it is video game related.
  7. Ai


    WTF! Is this real or photoshopped? LMAO!

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