TC "Help" + Wiki Info

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Shuey, 17 Oct 2011.

  1. Maybe it's because I'm distracted while trying to find information while at work, but I don't see a forum link for "help" or a menu link for it either. Is there a general place to get "help" related to the website? Also, The wiki needs some serious updating with regards to the "art" section. I know pretty much any user can update the wiki, but I was wondering if there is someone specific I should talk to if I'd like to have someone update it on my behalf?

  2. There is a FAQ in the top menu bar that has some info about the forum guidelines and basic usage. I think that's about it, but feel free to ask about things here or in IRC if anything is unclear.

    The wiki could use a lot more information, but (at least personally) it has been hard to get motivated to work on it with the TC/HD wiki mirroring problem still on-going. :p As for editing, feel free to add to articles as you see fit. You can open a thread in General or Strategy if you want to run things by someone or poll for additional research before you commit information to the wiki, but there isn't any formal approval process or anything.

    If you have some insights into pattern draw that you want to share, I'd love to read an article about it. :D
  3. Thanks for the reply and info Kitaru :)
  4. The "art" section of the wiki has been updated. For those who don't see Tetris Art very often, please check it out - there's a lot of cool stuff in there from a variety of players :)

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