Introduction Hi, I'm Mink. I just got into tetris not too long ago and started playing this free internet tetris: . As I got more into it, I youtubed tetris and found this video: . I thought it was so awesome, and I wanted to find a good tetris game like that. I then found out that it was only in Japan arcades, and I was very dissapointed. But, still sick of the internet version, I bought Tetris for the Gameboy and started playing that. Then I kept watching more videos of tetris on Youtube, and saw that there were versions that looked very similar to TGM, but were played on the computer. So then I asked where to get it, then was referred to this site. So here I am Tetris Advice Well I just got Texmaster 2009, and I have a few questions. Is there a certain keyboard arrangement that most people use? I just edited the .ini and chose type 3 (arrow keys to move, "z,x,c" to rotate). I'm not used to having 3 buttons to turn the tetromino, so I just use the middle key (x) to do all of the rotating. I don't really understand how the other keys rotate it. For a beginner, should I just stick to the middle key, or learn to use the other 2 as well? That's all I really need to know for now. I'll ask more questions after I read over the wiki page more. Thanks for your help
I use a/s/d to rotate, but only because of comfort. Other people have their hands the other way around. It's an arbitrary personal preference really. It is important that you use two rotation buttons. Three would be recommended, but quite a few players don't use them. I'd say I don't, but I'm hardly a superhuman player. Jin8 (the player in that video) however, doesn't use the third rotate (or so I've heard). For the harder levels, you can't survive using only one rotate. You definitely need to learn to use at least two.
I'm a beginner too. =) I use SZXC to move and soft/hard drop and the ABCD keys are: M,.[spacebar]. A rotates anti-clockwise, B rotates clockwise, C rotates anti-clockwise and D is the hold key in modes with the hold function. I'm playing alot of Novice in Texmaster to learn. Oh, and using your left hand for moving and dropping, and your right for rotating makes it more like on an arcade. You may be unused to a stick if you buy one, if you've allways dropped and moved with your right hand.
welcome to the forum Mink. i would suggest learning at least 2 rotation keys: rotate left and rotate right. you can rotate a J, L, or T once instead of 3 times by rotating the correct direction, which saves you time, and it's a good habit to pick up early.
Not to mention on high gravity is crucial for survival. So is choosing to rotate 3 times instead of one
I have a MAS Super Pro-Stick 10 button arcade stick with convex buttons that I bought for fighting games. Do many people use arcade sticks hooked up to their comps? Would it be a good idea to learn drops with my left hand then? Also, I if I were to only learn 2 buttons, which should I learn? Also, how does the Novice mode work? I can't figure it out. Thanks for the quick replies
I was bit of an oddball in this regard. In situations where 3 rotations were necessary, I'd perform them in a strange fashion. I'd input ABB or BAA, making the total number of rotations 3, but the net rotation 1 or -1. I learned the value of doing three rotations in the same direction after earning my GM rank.
It's just habit now for me to always Inital Rotate the L and J pieces to the orientation of the letter, regardless of if it's necessary or even helpful.
Novice is score attack, simply the objective is to get big combos while still completing the game with a fast time.
You might not have updated to the latest patch as that bug has been fixed. Search for beta 2 patch 3 in the Texmaster thread.
when it says "choose the program you want to use to open this file", what do I choose? I don't understand how to download this.
Then what's the point of 3 buttons if A and C both do the same thing?? Why do you need 2 buttons with the same function? Wouldn't playing with 2 buttons be the same as playing with 3? Why is playing with 3 recommended?
If you want to rotate twice, it's faster to press AC then either AA or CC. Button C is not often used, but it is useful and that's what it's used for.
Like I said, the use of three buttons isn't strictly necessary, but it's probably better to be competent with 3 than 2. Seeing as you're in the development stage and are trying to get used to 2 buttons, it's not much to get used to 3 while you're doing it, unlike players like me that have had 2 years of using only 2 buttons.
Though, if you're new to the game you're better off focusing on survival. Once one can make it to 300 consistently then you can decide where you want to go from there.