This shall be my secret code name for the Nintendo Wi-Fi Forums. Short Bus. Really, are kids these days THAT STUPID? Sully puts up a FAQ, and the same damn questions get asked at least 10 times a day. It makes it so freakin' hard to sift through the garbage to get to anything meaningful. AND THEN THERE'S THE PEOPLE THAT REPLY TO THE STUFF. After someone's already given a simpleton or otherwise wrong answer, everyone else mimics it for postcount. It's unbelievable. Where're the mods?
Plus everyone brags endlessly about getting 999 lines on Standard Marathon. HEY GUYS I BEAT THE FIRST BOARD IN SUPER MARIO BROTHERS!!!!!one
I've completely given up on visiting the Nintendo forums. They're just unreadable. Browsing them for more than about 15 minutes at a time fills me with a sort of generic rage at the world. It's not healthy.
omg, i dun understand. wats wrong wit the nintnedo fourms? btw, do anoyne knwo what t-spin is? i keep gitting them on acident. no seriously, my favorite thing about that forum is the way i can't tell what half of the threads are about by only looking at the topic. they seem to enjoy giving threads topics like "read this please." what's worse-- those threads receive so many replies. unbelievably low content-to-post ratio.
God, I thought I was the only one! TEH GameFaqs message board for Tetris DS isn't much better. I'm nice to people when I need to be (like customers at work), and I usually don't hold much against people.... but in the back of my mind I'm thinking the same things you guys are. I just want to say this just to get it out of my system. [deep breath] JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU GOD DAMN LITTLE TURDS.... NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU ALMOST GOT 200 FUCKING LINES! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP CLOGGING UP THE FUCKING FORUMS, SHITHEADS!!! [ahem] I needed that. It's a damn shame the Nintendo mods let that kind of shit ride. I mean, technically it IS spam, but if they started banning everyone, no one would visit their forums. But it's not like I would go to the Nintendo forums to expect much intellegent conversation anyways. I mean, it's not to say their forums don't serve a purpose, but I'm not really big on what purpose it's trying to sell to me. Anyways... carry on.
Check out the "Power On" forum. It's an all out spam-fest, fueled by the fact that more posts = higher rank = more abilities (like sigs, being able to imbed pics, and being able to edit). And the average poster is an illiterate 3rd grader. I've tried to get the mods to clean the place up to no avail. Things aren't nearly that bad in the Tetris forum, although I am beyond sick of "Is this game good" and "YAY I GOT 999 LINES!!!" threads. The way that 50 people reply to answer a question that the first reply answered annoys the hell out of me, too. Short bus, indeed.
ahaha!! so i ventured to the dangerous territory that is the nintendo tetris forum and phydeaux... seriously some of the most hilarious shit i have ever read. so i'm thinking i might make a name like "Shouldigetthisgame" and play along, if you don't mind.
Maybe we should all flood it. I mean, gee, why not. It's just that it was so friggin' (which is a word that's filtered over there, by the way. Hilarious.) archetypical of the normal post I see over there, and the combination of a usual question with horrific post skills set me over the top.
I'm Sylux_DS, I've never registered here, and my account I just created isn't getting a fucking confirmation e mail.
Well, based on this post, I'd say he doesn't post here (uneless he has changed his WiFi name). According to blockstats, he's a low 6000s player. Oh, this thread is great! (although, in fairness, it was posted about a week after TDS was released)
Oh man, that's rich. I honestly think the Wi-Fi capability shouldn't be unlocked until you beat the level 5 bot.
I checked all my folders, there's nothing there. Also, I've never played Tetris before in my life before TDS, and I plan on never playing again (I ripped my R button off). When I posted that thread, I had never seen a pro play, and how fast THEY could do it; a level 5 bot looked inhuman. You honestly can't blame me.
Dictionary says "frig" is vulgar slang. Not even among friends? Anyway, I joined TDS Worldwide as soon as I beat standard level 4 for the first time, and I shot up to 6200 real quick. Level 4 plays like a 6800 or so.
On another note, I'm pretty sure that blockstats is off by a few hundred - last time I checked, my ranking was 58XX or something of the sort. I only think I've broken 6000 once, and I lost right after. Or something. Ripped off your R button? Ouch man, that's harsh! Yeah, well, from MKDS overuse, it just stopped responding, so I ripped it off to proclaim my anger.
they wouldn't let me say "freaking" over there, which made me unhappy, as at first i wanted to say "fucking."
Oh, man. The kid better of been glad that the other guy showed up first. Otherwise I would've had him searching for that USB port for days. Just because I've got nothing better to do.