Rereading and translation ~ Help me write an article Vol.2

Thread in 'Discussion' started by PetitPrince, 17 Feb 2007.

  1. I finished the first draft of the french version of my article. It's here. The password is 'tgmrules' .

    A hand-made translation is on tracks. Meanwhile, english users can use their favorite translation service to have a blink of what it looks like.

    To do list:

    - translate the damn thing

    - make a better description of TGM Ace

    - add more image and video

    EDIT: new version here

    EDIT: english version there
  2. I haven't got the time to read it right now but:

    In the first paragraph of "Future", you typo'ed TGM as TGm. Also, Mihara is interested in creating a TGM4. Jewelry Master apparently exists because the president of Arika (whose name I can't recall at the moment) told him to make a free game for the North American audience. Or something. It sounds like a strange request that doesn't make sense to me, but that's what was said on his blog.

    Also, I'm not sure but you probably didn't mention the cancelled TGM1 port, the cancelled TAP port, and the cancelled TGM-K for PSP. I'm not sure if all of those have an interesting story, but the PS2 TAP port is said to be 100% complete but barred release from TTC. Mihara went nuts when the Sega Ages: Tetris Collection was allowed to be released featuring the ancient Sega games.
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Was "Tetris New Century" part of TTC's reason for going with Sega instead? A straight port of TAP would not have featured the SRS style play added to Ti.
  4. As far as I know nothing much has been said regarding that. But I think it would be a pretty safe bet that including the new SRS mode was a condition for release. Also, the angle it presents things might have something to do with it. The Sega games are presented as relics of the past, perhaps only enjoyable for nostalgia. New Century is presented as the real game, something you would play today for fun.

    All things considered, one must wonder if Ti will get ported? It sounds at least more probable than TAP.
  5. Yup dude, nice work you started here but please.... try and improve the writing style, coz it's just awful for the moment [​IMG]
    I've been working on some tetris-related delirium novel that could have been written under lcd's effects and it's quiet sad to see such a complete and technical article with so many basic language mistakes.

    Keep in mind that you are writing the first french tgm article to be published, so you have a big burden lying on your shoulders !

    And cyberguile, the mystical tetris player raised and said: "Thoust shall not publish this without using your dictionnary [​IMG] " [​IMG]
    A pitty I couldn't read it to the end because all the mistakes bored me [​IMG]

    PS: need any help to get this wickedy written ? pm me
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    [​IMG] Franchement t'es un peu dur avec lui quand meme... [​IMG]

    You are too severe with him..

    And don't forget he is not exactely french..Maybe the Switzer french is a few different of ours..
  7. That was a first draft, that means LOADS of mistakes (I do have a problem with plurals -_-) and weird hem... how do we say, figure de style ? figure of speech ?

    Note: my msn adress is open, if you want to discuss it further

  8. Yeah !

    It's way more logical ! For instance they still use the oldies but goodies "septante, octante, nonante" instead of our stupid "soixante-dix, quatre-vingt, quatre-vingt-dix".

    I mean, "quatre-vingt-dix", wtf does this mean ??? Who has invented this bullshit ? It's like, we would go "un deux trois.... huit, "huit-deux-un" rofl

    Well, ptitprince, I can re-write, let's say, twenty lines of your stuff, send them to you and you'll see wether I can help you or not. And maybe add a couple of emotionnal stuff to all th technical work you've already done.
  9. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    j'ai connait un peu de francais

    your article looks fine to me [​IMG]

    EDIT: j'ai connu [​IMG] (thanks amnesia)

    translation: i know a little french (speaking) person
  10. Actually, we use the even more logical "huitante" [​IMG]

    If you want, do so, but I'd also like a real-time arguing via MSN [​IMG]
  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    "Je connais" (present) or "j'ai connu" (past)

  12. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Blame the Bretons for the "sixty-thirteen" and "fourscore" stuff. Just be glad that some dialects have done away with it.
  13. Hell tepples, you just taught me where did those stupid numbers came from [​IMG]
  14. I rewrote the whole french article (now with jagorochi "it doesn't suck" seal).

    But after a few tries, I don't think I'm skilled/brave enough to properly translate it. So if anyone is willing to give a hand, he's free to do so.
  15. sihumchai

    sihumchai Unregistered

    I loved the translation of the first title.. TETRIS THE LARGE MASTER..

    May I know the purpose of your article? Again? If it hasn't been mentioned, and how is the translation working out for you?
  16. mat


    i'll rewrite it in english for you--though i don't speak french. would probably be pretty easy to just machine translate and then translate that into something that had meaning. although there's probably a canadian here who is fluent in both languages and that would most likely be better...
  17. Most likely, yes.

    ...I tend to keep myself fairly busy, but I'll see what I can do. [​IMG] If things go alright it should be done over the weekend.
  18. J'apporte ma modeste contribution [mode correcteur d'orthographe on]

    "Minute papillon ! On n'a pas encore fait les prsentations !"

    "cest une bote relativement inconnue." Je ne suis pas compltement d'accord sur le inconnue, puisque comme tu le dis ils se sont fait connatre grce street ex. J'aurais plutt mis "relativement peu connue"

    "on peut aussi ajouter des jeux bass"

    "la vitesse maximale est fixe 1 case tous les vingtimes de seconde"

    "la pice tombe tout de suite terre" (instantanment serait plus adapt)

    "mais galement tacher driger une structure vaguement pyramidale": tenter d'riger

    "Une ligne de pixels blancs entoure la pile afin de bien reprer"

    "Des sons sont lis chaque type de pice et permettent de reconnatre quelle pice va arriver." de reconnatre laquelle va arriver

    "chaque type de pice a sa propre couleur"

    "Le gameplay possde des lments ddis au jeu haute vitesse." j'aurais mis intgre en lieu et place de possde

    La suite un autre jour

  19. This takes a lot more time then you'd think. [​IMG]
    I recommend making yourself comfortable.
  20. This is still not forgotten! I'm a little more than 2/3 done.

    I'm sorry it's taking so long guys. I've honestly spent hours on it... Translating is hard. [​IMG]

    Comments so far...


    -Mihara is vice president, not president

    -the wallkick picture shows TGM style wallkicks but the pieces have SRS colours

    -it sounds like you want to credit TGM as spawning from a competitive VS Tetris show, when it's actually the result of a culture of hardcore Sega's arcade Tetris players (single player, mostly)

    -the randomizer rolls up to 4 times in TGM and 6 times in TGM2/TGM3, not uniformly 4 rolls

    -the randomizer is known to be correct, except for TGM3 where the statistics are known to match, and TGMA where it is known to be the SRS random generator, and Sakura modes where it's a custom sequence


    (I haven't even read the last third so forgive me if they come up there.)

    -Tetris with Card Captor Sakura sort of counts as a TGM game and should at least be mentioned

    -there is no mention so far of Sega's Tetris, Flashpoint and Bloxeed. these games have shaped the series immensely

    -Shimizu Tetris (a fan game) should get a mention for birthing 20G

    Regarding the last 2 points... When you boil it down to it's essence, the only original elements of the TGM series are the randomizer, IRS and the wallkicks (and some VS/Sakura gimmicks [​IMG]). Though obviously the refined arrangement of previous elements contributes greatly to its success. Shirase, for example, took screen rising from Bloxeed and [] blocks from early Tetris games. Sakura borrows Flashpoint's formula. I'd have to check Bloxeed, but I think it had a similar VS style.

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