Question about the Internal Grade system of TAP Master

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Quad, 12 Mar 2009.

  1. If the player clears a line and thereby hops up one internal grade I understand from the Wiki that the internal grade points are reset, but my question is this: will the combo multiplier also be reset?
  2. Muf


  3. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    No, but since you've lost your overflow and since keeping a combo up is pretty hard (especially for triples) you probably shouldn't bother trying. You'll just eat up lots of material and have to stack up again. Meanwhile your internal grade is decaying. We encourage stopping at a promotion so you can stack up while the internal counter is stuck at zero.

    You think you have some way to game the system for fast promotions?
  4. No, It's just that I'm trying to replicate the TAP grade system in my own Tetris clone. By the way where do you get your information from? I understand it must come from reverse engineering the PCB but surely there must be some place where all this info is accumulated? The wiki is great but it leaves a few questions open to interpretation.
  5. Interesting take on it... I try to make combos of size 3 after level 750. Of course you start with a tetris for one grade, and two doubles/triples afterwards is worth roughly another internal grade. But it's only safe to stack back up again only if the displayed grade changes. Hmm.
  6. Studying the behavior of the emulated game is far easier than PCB reverse-engineering.
  7. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Especially since we have the memory address of the internal grade, so you can see it under MAME if you really want to.

    Running disassembly might help if you wanted to be really sure, but I doubt that's necessary.

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