
Thread in 'Discussion' started by aadbaard, 29 Sep 2008.

  1. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    Hi everyone, just found this interesting site. I'm running a small site with flash tetris games and am looking for information, things to learn about tetris to improve my page. Found 127 tetris games in flash so far that are free to distribute.

    Also was wondering if I could get in trouble for using a domain-name that includes tetris.

    Just glad I found this place, any non-flash games you people can recommend me? I'm really a noob [​IMG]
  2. "Also was wondering if I could get in trouble for using a domain-name that includes tetris."

    It's likely.
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    If they're called Tetris, don't push it. Mr. Rogers might have his lawyers write you The Letter. Things called "N-Blox" should be OK.

    If you are offering falling block games on such a domain without Mr. Rogers' OK, it might be trademark infringement. That's why we don't have game downloads at, and that's why The Tetris Management Group doesn't deal in puzzle games.

    Our favorites are Lockjaw, Heboris Unofficial Expansion, and Texmaster. Check the wiki to learn more.
  4. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    thanks for your replies, most games are amateur versions of the original and a load of them have Tetris in the title too.

    I guess I should send mr. Rogers a mail then. I know it's kind of unprofessional I didn't think of this before.
  5. Let us know what he says if he replies. I'm actually a little curious how he/the people that answer his email would react. Also, welcome to the tight knit Tetris community. I second Heboris UE, and Lockjaw.
  6. And I'll second Texmaster. Once you have the controls sorted out, it's easily the most user-friendly for playing TGM modes.
  7. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    Thanks for those tips, have downloaded some of those games, but since I can't run my laptop without safe mode, they're not working. [​IMG] Did get Heboris working but it's awfully small.

    Have taken my site offline already, since there's just no way Mr. Rogers would approve it but he's taking too long to reply. All those fan-made tetris copies are of course unlicensed and a lot of them have tetris in the title.

    It's too bad since I had a pretty nice site built up, but I know I'm doing something illegal so just had to stop it.

    One last pic I once posted on that site, thought you might like it:
  8. Sadly, I think that photo was confirmed to be a forgery. [​IMG] It would be cool if vandals actually did that though.
  9. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    Yes, it is most likely to be a fake, needs some precise throwing else...

    I called that image "Creative Vandalism" on the site [​IMG]
  10. Aadbaard: You can change the size of the Heboris window. (provided you're using Heboris UE mini, but I'm sure you can do it with most of the others.) Go to config, screen settings, and change the screen size with the left and right arrow keys.

    Edit: The window only changes size when you reopen the program.
  11. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    Thanks, I'm using some Heboris UE version indeed, your tip worked and the game did resize immediately (instead of after reopening).
  12. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    Okay, I've got a reply from The Tetris Company. In short:

    they want me to transfer the domain ( to them or something, I guess I can figure that out. Also they apparently checked the rest of my server and asked to remove "any games that use the TETRIS name or are substantially similar to the game itself". But I thought games like N-Blox were allowed? I'll send them another mail about this after transferring the domain.

    And, I don't know about this site...?
  13. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Just redirect to while you work things out.

    Consensus as I understand it is that TTC has a case about things called "Tetris", but bark > bite for games like "N-Blox" that use the rules but not the name.
  14. Muf


    And you're just going to comply? Don't you agree that these are ridiculous claims/requests?
  15. Make sure that you sell them the domain name at a premium price [​IMG][​IMG]
  16. aadbaard

    aadbaard Unregistered

    You guys really think I should have gotten some more with it? I mean I just gave them the domain.

    Also, some more from their side. I had some other tetris versions on another site, they also wanted me to remove them. I quote:

    I always thought this was an allowed version, especially with the warnings inside the game...

    Im pretty sure you guys now the game I'm talking about but here it is if you don't: Neave's N-Blox
  17. IANAL but it shouldn't be infringing on any rights. It's just that they state everything as off-limits, even if it really isn't. They just try to pass themselves off as owning everything in the hopes the bluff won't be called. I mean, if you were them wouldn't you do the same?
  18. Muf


    You see, this is why it's better to apologise afterwards than to ask permission beforehand.
  19. Case in point: removal of videos from YouTube

    If any of us actually cared enough to give Arika Corp all our personal info and respond to any legal crap they might try and force upon us, we could have our videos back.
  20. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    In Russia, bluff calls YOU:

    Please remove Racket Attack as it is a copy of Tennis.[1]

    Please remove Linux as it is a copy of Unix.

    [1] Why do I use so many tennis analogies in my posts? Vadim Gerasimov reports that Paj contracted "tetromino tennis" to make "Tetris", and Henk Rogers reports that Paj wants Tetris to become an international sport, just like tennis.

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