My updated Master-Extra

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Altimor, 20 Apr 2008.

  1. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    The previous one was kinda broken as far as staff roll grading goes and the G-Points earned for tetrises were off by 7-10 or so, and some of the timings were inaccurate. So I looked at the wiki entry and perfected Master-Extra.

    NOTE : If you see any glitches or errors, tell me.
  2. Muf


    So this one is accurate in the sense that the timings are multiplied by 0.91666666666666666666666666666667 ?
  3. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Nnnnoooo I went by the wiki entry and fixed the staff roll grading.
  4. Issues:

    maseGradePoint1[] (grade points awarded for singles) is correct in the original version, and not in the new version.

    maseWait5[] holds the "ARE after line clear" values, not plain ARE values. You changed it to match the latter, where before it matched the former.

    maseGradeNorm[] was correct in the original version, and is incorrect in yours. It lists the internal grades which correspond to an increase in displayed grade.

    You changed the plugin name from "master-extra" to "master-ti". While this isn't a bad thing in itself, if you're going to do that, you need to change the variable and function names as well. (Notice how they all have "mase" at the beginning? That's short for "master-extra".) Failure to do so will cause problems for anyone who has master-extra and master-ti loaded at the same time.

    Your changes on lines 308-312 cause the plugin to read data from the wrong indices of the delay arrays. In fact, they could cause heboris to crash at level 500. They were correct before.

    The change you made to maseCalcScore() makes combo COOLs impossible. (Note that they don't affect the grade, so this is not a grading inaccuracy -- you can leave them in.)

    On lines 490-491, you substantially increase the weightings of triples and tetrises in the grading system. As far as I know, this isn't what Ti does (nor should it -- that's what the grade point array is for).

    Your altered scoring formula on line 591 is incorrect (and won't compile); master-extra's was correct according to the wiki.

    Your changes in maseExcellent() don't change the invisible roll grading like you probably intended. That's done in maseCalcFinalGrade() [which looks correct].

    That's where I stopped, since it doesn't look like the rest of the code deals with grading. To be honest, it looks like master-extra.c is pretty much perfect as-is. The only thing that might be worth looking into is whether the delay tables are used correctly -- i.e. whether the plugin takes into account the various quirks in the heboris engine. (I'm not really qualified to explain those, so I won't.)
  5. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

  6. K


    You (touching this stuff).

    Kiddo, you already learned multiplication at school ?
  7. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Yes. >_>
  8. K


    are you sure you don't have some homework to do Kiddo ?

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