Mental calculation

Thread in 'Discussion' started by K, 15 Jan 2009.

  1. K


    During the last Ofuna meeting dinner, i recorded 777 playing an interesting NDS game.
    Don't ask me about the game's name, i don't fucking know... but anybody can program it with few programmation skills, or find something similar around internet (javascript or wathever).

    Youtube or Direct DL

    btw, it's only addition, but still..
  2. That's intense @.@

    Am I the only one here who would not be able to do that....
  3. gila

    gila Unregistered

    holy crap
  4. Muf


    Am I the only one who notices how much these comments sound like Youtube comments to a Master Gm or Shirase S13 video? [​IMG]
  5. Needs more "lol retards its a fake"
  6. lol retards its a fake [​IMG]
    It's training your sensory memory (much of the input to your eyes is simply discarded by your brain, and the rest, unless important, is forgotten a few seconds later)
    ... but on a scale far past what I've been exposed to.
  7. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    [​IMG] so it's official now? he's a savant? (as if you couldn't tell by watching his tetris videos)
  8. Ai


    WOW! Well it should be expected I guess.
  9. orz


    requesting pro addition strats
  10. Wow, cool. I just committed that double digit number (or single) multiplied by double digit number technique to memory.

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