mac, linux or web-only decent online multiplayre tetris?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by philquiet, 29 Feb 2008.

  1. philquiet

    philquiet Unregistered


    i'm on a mac, and i'm seeking hard to find a decent online multiplayer tetris which don't need Windows. Does it at least exist?? If not, an online one? A linux one?

    I'm used to play the online game Blockz, but I'm not enjoying it entirely.

    I need something which you guys would be able to qualify of 'decent' (or 'something's near of the real thing').

    I just really want to start as a serious Tetris player and, of course, I need a game. I would really enjoy an online multiplayer one. If you have no suggestion i'll seek for a way to work with the Window's alternatives.

    Thank you!
  2. About the only game on Mac which supports multiplayer versus play I know of is Quinn. And while that game has its fans, personally it's not my cup of tea, due to how it tends to ignore multiple simultaneous keypresses.
  3. philquiet

    philquiet Unregistered

    Thank you, this game's looks nice... But it don't seem to have a lot of player around online... The most popular ones are for windows I guess.

    Ok, which are those?

    I guess i'm better to find a way to make an apple modem work on windows rather than seeking for mac stuffs. I DO have Windows installed on my mac but under it, I'm used to experience uge technical problems with my modem.

    Or maybe a linux tetris game? dunno i keep seeking...
  4. There isn't really any good multiplayer tetris, not even windows only...

    At least not yet...
  5. philquiet

    philquiet Unregistered

    Arrrr... [​IMG]
    Ok, it's decided! I'll make one!

    I'll seek about if i would be able to make something's good and multiplayer with Flash. If I can, it will makes something which is cross-platform. There are popular Tetris servers around and if i'm sharp enough to code something workable with them, it would be nice...

    (Geez, it would be a lot of work... i am sharp enough?)

    What would be the specifications of a good multiplayer tetris clone?

  6. - Ability to use ARS and SRS rotation systems (inc. correct colours)

    - Ability to adjust DAS, both delay and repeat times.

    - Hold function and at least three piece previews.

    - Preset initial orientations for pieces and 10-width well (which removes two of TNet's major flaws)

    - Support for at least four players

    - Garbage that is purely random (ie the hole is placed randomly for each individual line, and is unaffected by previous garbage)

    - Setting so all players receive the same piece sequence

    - Either a 7-bag randomiser or a 6-roll randomiser, as used by TGM2.

    - Weapons not necessary, but having them as an option would be nice.

    - T-spins could be included, but should be able to be turned off, especially seeing as they'd give a (second) advantage to SRS players over ARS.

    Those would be my suggestions. I'm sure others have different ones.
  7. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Floorkicks = 1

    Srs floorkicks, ARS wallkicks

    DAS = customizable

    Lock delay = Step reset; Start at 500 ms, start decreasing by 50s, then decrease by half the last number after torikan, and then stop decreasing at 75

    (E.g. 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 150, 75, then stop decreasing)

    Hard drop w/ slide

    Soft drop w/ lock

    Speed curves;

    Death - Lock delay decreases every 75 levels

    Master -Speed and Lock delay increase/decreases every 100 levels(lock delay doesn't decrease until torikan at 500;

    (.25G, .50G, .25G, .75G, 1G, then go 20g at section barrier)

    Shirase- Lock delay decreases every 25 levels, and goes to 50ms lock delay after 1000
  8. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    ROFL It's some code

    ; S = section

    ; LD = lockdelay

    ;L = level

    ;sc = Speed

    ;Mode = Speed curve


    if mode = (master)

    if l = (100, 300, 400)

    then sc = sc + .25

    elseif l = (500) then sc = (20)



    if l = (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900)

    elseif mode = (death) then if (l = 50, 100, 150, 200, 250,

    300, 350, 400, 450, 500)

    elseif mode = (shirase)

    then if (l = 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525,

    550, 575, 600, 625, 650, 675, 700, 725, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975)


    ld = ld - 50


    (S = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,) then

    ld = ld - ld * 1.5

    elseif l = (1000)


    ld = (50)


  9. Air Gear

    Air Gear Unregistered

    I'm going to disagree with basically all of this board (I know what those who haven't posted are thinking) and say that it doesn't necessarily have to follow either the Tetris Guideline or Arika rules 100% of the time. Things like the hold pieces, multiple Next pieces, and randomizers that people like so much only work if the game is designed to be a speed-based game. I guess that's the big question: what KIND of multiplayer Tetris are you looking to do? Is it speed-type, where tetrises (or greater, depending on the setup) are meant to be thrown back and forth all the time? Action-based, where there are all these little quirks like item blocks and such? Something entirely different? Will it be meant for 1-1 play, free-for-alls, or both? Those aspects determine the design. For example, usually hardcore speed players like hold pieces, multiple Next pieces, easier randomizers, and each attack putting all the holes in the garbage in the same column, as to make counter-tetrises easier and hence have more sent around. Usually action-based games are better with a more difficult randomizer, no hold, and one Next piece.

    I guess the only universals I can bring up, having no clue exactly what kind of multiplayer Tetris you want to do, would be as follows:

    The ability to invert drops (as in have either "locking soft nonlocking hard" or "nonlocking soft locking hard")

    Uniform piece sequences (admittedly this doesn't take all the luck out of the game, but it makes the beginning of the game fairer)
  10. Air Gear, I think there should be two modes (I forgot to add this in the list).

    There should always be a 0G mode. One which is lockjaw-esque, and gives nothing but a pure representation of speed and general Tetris ability. One where the masters can reign, but the beginners aren't going to end up losing simply because they can't cope with the pace on their own field.

    Then there should be a mode akin to Death/Shirase. A mode where the players are tested by something other than their opponent(s).

    Items are fun, and I think they can add a dimension, but I think ultimately multiplayer Tetris will always boil down to speed and stacking, unless you start adding elements that involve copious amounts of luck.
  11. philquiet

    philquiet Unregistered

    Thank you for your answers, much appreciated.

    I still want to do a multiplayer speed-based tetris game. I'll do my best despite my lack of knowledge about the technology of multiplayer games.

    What kind of game would it be? Speed-based with the nicer graphics and animations i can do, i guess

    (but maybe also a weird action-based thing from my imagination, which will probably involves two-colors pentominoes and an elctrical consumer unit as tetrion which will power a cart with a bomb on it --- awww forget it looks ridiculous even by just writting it... [​IMG] )

    I mean to work on it on my free times, and it will by long because I have a lot of work... so i'll just gather info for now and let my ideas evolve in my head.

    EDIT: Sorry bad english [​IMG]

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Hmm, to start, I think it would be better if you would just lay the foundations. All the fluff like items and gimmicks can come after. So yeah, I suppose you should concentrate on making it a basic speed game first and then layer on the extras.
  13. Air Gear

    Air Gear Unregistered

    Ok, if you're doing a speed-based game, I'd suggest that there be at least two ways to play it. The canonical modern speed-based versus Tetris uses the "three or more next pieces, hold piece, garbage lines from one attack have a common hole" idea; I'd say "permutation bag" too, but as somebody who's not a fan of that, I'll say TGM2 6-roll instead. On the other hand, a lot of people want a game which is still quick, but not as tetris-based as THAT previous version. In that case, something which is still a modern setup (but not completely) sounds best; something along the lines of "fewer than three next pieces, no hold, garbage lines don't have a common hole" sounds good there. Of course, a game like that would also probably need to have slightly less uniform piece distributions, so TGM 4-roll sounds better for that kind of game.

    And oh yeah, though I'm not a fan of T-spins, sometimes it's really cool to have combo bonuses add to attacks...

  14. I don't see why you'd omit a hold piece. Sure, it isn't old-school Tetris, but it's extremely useful to both beginners and experts. It adds a little more strategy to playing as well.

    And I really wouldn't pick TGM 4-roll over the 6-roll used in TAP. It works along the same idea, but just isn't as good. You either use a 7 or 14-bag, and accept a reasonably high amount of predictability, or you'd use the 6-roll from TAP.
  15. Air Bag, I'm having trouble following what you're saying, and I don't get why you think certain setups are "speed-based" and "action-based." Why group them at all? Why not just describe a system which you think works best?

    As for hold in "speed-based", in theory it just hurts speed. You're adding a button press and aren't gaining any more pieces. I don't see how its inclusion would break the gameplay in any way.

    Multiple piece preview really isn't that big a deal. It helps sure, but where exactly do you want to make the game difficult? The main source of challenge should come from the opponent in any multiplayer game. Sirlin is a constant advocate that arbitrary technical challenge usually isn't important to solid gameplay, which is why in the new rebalanced mode in Super Turbo HD he's opening the frame window for a lot of difficult special moves. He's pretty much saying the challenge shouldn't be in some fancy execution, but rather in actually beating the opponent.

    As for garbage, random-random, opposed to Tetris DS-random, is more fun. No see-saw Tetris crap. When you do something that sends garbage it counts. It leaves less wiggle-room for an upset, and as a serious Tetris player, I much prefer that the better player is more likely to win.

  16. Maybe there's no difference in term of pieces per minute, but I think there is in terms of, for example, Tetrises per minute. The hold piece allows for some compensation for poor stacking or pieces, and means you don't have to make overhangs which require soft drops or holes. In some ways, they benefit the less able players, because they'll use it more to overcome their sub-par stacking.

    And caffeine, I also prefer the garbage in games like TNet to that in games like Tetris DS. The hole should be placed randomly and independent of the line above.

  17. That's why there's IHS in Ti. (Initial Hold System)

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    This is up to interpretation. I see having one preview as the arbitrary challenge as opposed to having multiple previews. With one preview, the player is given less room to work, which is similar to having a low frame window to execute special moves.
  19. philquiet

    philquiet Unregistered

    What a debate! The only thing I can really do, as a newbie, is to grab some popcorn and watch... in your answers, theres a lot of wealthy pieces of gold information!!

    The thing which amaze me the most is all that incredibles technical stuff around a game which seems so simple at the first glance... It's like each tetris game have his own personnality.

    I take notes of your incredible list of sugestion. The only thing I can say is that I'll need the wiki a lot! Thank you, i'll sure do my best.
  20. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Actually, rather than use the wiki, you can use my code, which is meant to simulate the highest speed curve on Ti.

    ; S = section

    ; LD = lockdelay

    ;L = level

    ;sc = Speed

    ;Mode = Speed curve


    if mode = (master)

    if l = (100, 300, 400)

    then sc = sc + .25

    elseif l = (500) then sc = (20)



    if l = (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900)

    elseif mode = (death) then if (l = 50, 100, 150, 200, 250,

    300, 350, 400, 450, 500)

    elseif mode = (shirase)

    then if (l = 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525,

    550, 575, 600, 625, 650, 675, 700, 725, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975)


    ld = ld - 50


    (S = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,) then

    ld = ld - ld * 1.5

    elseif l = (1000)


    ld = (50)



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