Whenever I get a T-spin, it's totally on accident. If I set one up and try to get it, the T block just pops back up to the top when I rotate it. What am I doing wrong? >_< Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm referring to Tetris DS
Ok here goes. This is basically everything you need to know... A t-spin occurs when you rotate the T-block to move into a space that it shouldn't naturally fit into, OR can only fit into by rotation. Let me show you. T-Spin(Clears no lines): __________ __________ _T________ TTT_______ _XXXX_____ Rotate Clockwise Normally the piece would look like this: (WRONG) __________ __________ _T________ _TT_______ _TXXX_____ (Notice that the two blocks overlap where it is bold) Instead, the piece will end up like this: (RIGHT) __________ __________ T_________ TT________ TXXXX_____ T-Spin Single(Clears one line): __________ _________T XXXXXXXXTT XXXXXXX__T Rotate Clockwize: (WRONG) __________ _________T XXXXXXXXTTT XXXXXXX___ (Obviously this won't work) Instead, the piece will end up like this: (RIGHT) __________ __________ XXXXXXXXT_ XXXXXXXTTT T-Spin Double(Clears two line): __________ ____TXX___ XXXTT_XXXX XXXXTXXXXX Rotate CounterClockwize: <b>(RIGHT)</b> __________ _____XX___ XXXTTTXXXX XXXXTXXXXX T-Spin Triple(Clears Three lines): __________ ____TXX___ ___TTTX___ XXXXX_XXXX XXXX__XXXX XXXXX_XXXX Rotate CounterClockwise Normally the piece would look like this: (WRONG) __________ ____TXX___ ___TT_X___ XXXXT_XXXX XXXX__XXXX XXXXX_XXXX (Notice that the two blocks overlap where it is bold) Instead, the piece will end up like this: (RIGHT) __________ _____XX___ ______X___ XXXXXTXXXX XXXXTTXXXX XXXXXTXXXX Take note that these are not the only ways to perform t-spins, but these are the most common. This is what T-Spin's (And Tetrises) will do: T-Spin - 100 pts (Also sends 0 line) T-Spin single - 200 pts (Also sends 2 lines) BtoB - 300 pts (Also sends 3 lines) T-Spin double - 1200 pts (Also sends 4 lines) BtoB - 1800 pts (Also sends 5 lines) T-Spin triple - 1600 pts (Also Sends 6 lines) BtoB - 2400 pts (also sends 7 lines)
Why does the game count this as a T-spin when the piece could have been dropped in that orientation from above? In The New Tetris, a T-spin happens when a piece lands and it cannot move left, right, or up. But Tetris DS recognizes some T-spins that TNT doesn't (such as the above) and fails to recognize others that TNT does (such as a few T-spin singles similar to the double below). Has anybody reversed TDS's formula? Remove one of the X blocks on the bottom row, and the T-spin won't be recognized. This is an anomaly in the wall kick rules used by SRS games such as TDS. The more obvious wall kick rule, used by TGM, would end up like this: ____T_____ ___TTXX___ ____T_X___ XXXXX_XXXX XXXX__XXXX XXXXX_XXXX
I thought it was: Every T-move that uses a wallkick (and no further movement) is a T-spin. Pro Tip: Using "Code" instead of "Quote" will use a monospace font. Code: T-Spin Double(Clears two line): __________ ____TXX___ XXXTT_XXXX XXXXTXXXXX Rotate CounterClockwize: <b>(RIGHT)</b> __________ _____XX___ XXXTTTXXXX XXXXTXXXXX Code: T-Spin Double(Clears two line): __________ ____TXX___ XXXTT_XXXX XXXXTXXXXX Rotate CounterClockwize: <b>(RIGHT)</b> __________ _____XX___ XXXTTTXXXX XXXXTXXXXX Code: T-Spin Triple(Clears Three lines): __________ ____TXX___ ___TTTX___ XXXXX_XXXX XXXX__XXXX XXXXX_XXXX Rotate CounterClockwise Normally the piece would look like this: (WRONG) __________ ____TXX___ ___TT_X___ XXXXT_XXXX XXXX__XXXX XXXXX_XXXX (Notice that the two blocks overlap where it is bold) Instead, the piece will end up like this: (RIGHT) __________ _____XX___ ______X___ XXXXXTXXXX XXXXTTXXXX XXXXXTXXXX Code: This is an anomaly in the wall kick rules used by SRS games such as TDS. The more obvious wall kick rule, used by TGM, would end up like this: ____T_____ ___TTXX___ ____T_X___ XXXXX_XXXX XXXX__XXXX XXXXX_XXXX And, to nitpick, under Sega/TGM rotations this final example would in fact not be a wallkick. It would be the default rotation.
Doesn't help in the case of Code: __________ ____TXX___ XXXTT_XXXX XXXXTXXXXX counterclockwise __________ _____XX___ XXXTTTXXXX XXXXTXXXXX No wallkick here, but it's still recognized. However, if you take out one of the lower blocks it doesn't recognize it.
Well, the simplest explanation I can think of is: T placements ending in a wallkick, and also that specific move hackily included.
From what I've figured out, HOW a T block got where it did, is less important than WHERE it ended up. Basically, the requirement to CHECK for a t-Spin is that the last input was a rotation NOT a direction. Once it starts to check for a T-spin, all it has to do is check if three of the four spaces around the block are occupied. Code: Here's an example: #XXXXX XXXTTTXXXXX XXX#T#XXXXX *The T can point in any direction for this example to work In this game, the walls (non-playable margins) are counted as occupied spaces. That's why my example of a T-Spin single can be performed. Code: Here's an example: W W W W #T W WTT XXXXXXXW #T#XXXXXXXXW *In this example, Normal blocks could take the place of the wall
And TDS recognizes only the T tetromino, unlike TNT. I just tried the spin triple with an L, and it failed. With an S it also failed. But if I place a T like so: Code: %%%%T %%%% %%% TT%%%% %%%%T%%%%% and then rotate it at all, even clockwise once and counterclockwise once (to end up in the same position and orientation), it still counts as a T-spin. So you're right about "last successful command was a rotate". So in SRS, the rule as we know it is "if tetromino being locked is T AND last successful command was rotate left or rotate right AND 3 of the 4 squares diagonally adjacent to the T's center are occupied, trigger T-spin bonus." I should go add that to the wiki.
Depends on how broad you want the definition to be. If you look closely in one of the Arika TGM3 videos, something counts as a T-Spin when there are only 2 filled diagonally adjacent spaces.
Thanks... I've read faqs and instructions on how to do it and it makes sense here, but when I try to rotate a t-block that way it pops back up to the top of the stack instead of sliding down where I want it to be. Every time.
niku, have you consulted the wiki? http://www.tetrisconcept.com/tetriswiki/Twists http://www.tetrisconcept.com/tetriswiki ... pin_Triple if you do exactly that and it doesn't work, then you're not playing the same game.
Hey guys, will this count as a T-Spin? Code: | T | | TTT| |XXXXXXXX | |XXXXXXXX | |XXXXXXXX | |XXXXXXXX | |XXXXXXXX | |XXXXXXXXT | |XXXXXXXXTT| |XXXXXXXXTX|
No. If the piece has moved down since rotation, even if only by gravity, then the last successful command is not "rotate"; it's "move down". I'll go clarify that on [[Twists]].
That's not a t-spin. Not because it goes down. It doesn't. It will get caught on the ledge. It's not a twist, because it is not surrounded by three occupied blocks. Edit: Oh sorry. I thaught you were twisting it in the other direction...
Yeah, I read it and thought I understood it, but when I tried it myself (from memory -- I mostly play on the train to/from work) it didn't work. So apparently I didn't undrestand it after all.