
Thread in 'Discussion' started by aperturegrillz, 6 Feb 2011.

  1. Anyone else notice this?
  2. Yeah, Acemagic said he put it in on Harddrop.

    Funny thing is that Kitaru can't play with it because he doesn't world-reverse :3
  3. I've been playing with the SRS-colored version. I can't deal with ARS colors in SRS. It looks really nice, though. Super clean compared to the ugly crap TTC comes up with.
  4. I'm playing ARS colors right now, but I might switch back to SRS ones because they mess with my ability to do S/Z-spins, which I apparently base on color and not piece/hole shape. Weird.
  5. Nifty.
    I tried playing some Heboris for the first time in forever yesterday, and the S/Z's were screwing me up in ACE-ARS2. I switched to Ti-ARS and instantly improved.

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