HI IM NEW also a question about TAP

Thread in 'Discussion' started by p0l1cy, 7 Dec 2006.

  1. p0l1cy

    p0l1cy Unregistered

    Usually I play TGM (poorly), but I decided to fire up TAP the other day and see how it was.

    My question is about pushing up on the stick to hard drop a piece: is there some option setting to change it so pushing up will hard lock the piece, like in TDS? Or do you really have to push up-down to lock a piece quickly? That extra joystick motion REALLY screwed me up, and led to a lot of misdrops.

    I'm sure I could get used to it in time, but it seems like the extra joystick motion would mess with doing complicated things at high speed during the later levels.
  2. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    To the extent to my knowledge, you have to press up-down. I would think that you would get used to it after a while. Its not a problem for me, but then again i am using a keyboard.
  3. mat


    you have to do it that way--but it is actually really beneficial: zangi moves kick the ass. and it isn't a problem at higher levels because you don't have to drop. it's a "feature" pre-20g. actually, it's a way of keeping 20g functionality at sub 20g speeds--it makes the game much more consistent than TGM1. just practice and you'll get the up down thing. keep us posted.
  4. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    If you're putting a tetromino down next to another tetromino, is it faster to roll up to against the other tetromino to down, essentially performing a Zangi against a wall?
  5. I've read your sentence a couple times and can't understand what you are asking there tepples. Otherwise I'd be happy to answer. [​IMG]

    A zangi-move is a partial circular motion of the joystick allowing a player to tuck a piece under an overhang.
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I've tested TDS and TGM, and I don't understand you..

    Sonic drop combinated with instant look are iritating and limit you!

    Zangy moves are inevitable if you want to play fast..

    But if you want TGMA is like TDS..It's the reason (I think) which for Jago doesn't speak about TGMA any more, and continue on TGM2..
  7. If I understand you correctly, you're asking if it's faster to press up/down when locking a piece next to a wall or to do the half circle motion against the wall?

    I can't say for sure that it's quicker to do a zangi move in this situation, but it would certainly be more reliable than risking accidental movement sideways with the quick up/down (for me at least, but then I suck at using a joystick!).
  8. I think Up Down is faster in that case. If you're moving to the left wall, that would require Left Up Left Down, which requires changing the direction. of the stick more drastically than Left Up Down.

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