
Thread in 'Discussion' started by Cyprien, 21 Sep 2006.

  1. Cyprien

    Cyprien Unregistered

    Hey guys. I've recently really gotten into Tetris, mainly TDS, but I'm working on getting mygame better with working on setting up T-Spins faster and faster and working on learning the game as best I can.

    Online I can't seem to get above 6500... Hence the research into new strategies besides tetris(es?)-only and hoping for the best. Which lead me to the Wiki then here.

    So I guess I'm just stopping by to say hi.
  2. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    hey, welcome to the club
  3. tetrisdude

    tetrisdude Unregistered

    yea this is one of the greatest tetris sites, i know. [​IMG][​IMG]
  4. sihumchai

    sihumchai Unregistered

    Hey Cyprien, welcome to TC!

    Broaden your Tetris world, try Lockjaw and Heboris [​IMG]
  5. Cyprien

    Cyprien Unregistered

    I picked up LockJaw last night... Still getting used to the controls.

    Might be a reason to dig out my USB SNES controller...

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Hi and welcome!

    I'd recommend mastering the fundamental basics of a tetris before moving on to t-spins. One reason is that you will need to learn how to clear garbage using the least amount of time (especially messy garbage).

    1. Aim for the bottom row. Stay as low as possible but high enough to send tetrises.

    2. Try not to overstack. Aim for tetrises but do not let them hinder you from clearing garbage.

    3. Know where a piece will land, it's spawn location, and movements necessary to place the piece. Make it a mental instinct.

    4. Keep a rhythm while placing pieces. Increase your speed to over 60 tpm.
  7. Cyprien

    Cyprien Unregistered

    Cool, thanks for the info. I'll get to work on some of those things right away.

    Any idea as to the best way to time my tpm?
  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    LOCKJAW displays your average tpm (tetrominoes per minute) when the game ends and records it in the file "lj-scores.txt". If you want something to force you to build with a minimum tpm, try LJ's Rhythm gimmick.

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