
Thread in 'Discussion' started by propeller, 28 Oct 2006.

  1. propeller

    propeller Unregistered

    I'm 18, British and mostly just use osx

    I Recently got interested/addicted to tetris and found this website looking for more info on TGM. I started playing quinn tetris again about 4 weeks ago ever since then I've been looking up more info on tetris and finally got TGM 1 working on Mame so I decided to sign up here.

    I started playing TGM 1 yesterday and i can get up to about S2-S3 ish but hoping to improve. So yeah, erm hi!
  2. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    hey welcome. If your interested in tetris and your on os x i highly suggest you check out Lockjaw. Also for more TGM style gameplay check out heboris, but currently heboris isn't running at perfect quality for os x yet.
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hello and welcome to you!!

    I don't know if you have made the right choice with tetris..Good luck and don't become crazy!
  4. propeller

    propeller Unregistered

    Cheers for the binary works really well!!!

    By that do you mean quinn or just tetris in general?
  5. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

  6. propeller

    propeller Unregistered

  7. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

  8. propeller

    propeller Unregistered

  9. sihumchai

    sihumchai Unregistered

    I'm hijacking this thead.

    How's everyone been? TC has been quiet for awhile, or is it me?

    Met your goals lately? My Tetris skills has been rotting ever since I started playing more puter' games. My TGM rotations are all off, my wrists aren't getting any better.
  10. I've been pushing Death Mode really hard. By which I mean, even harder than usually. I feel myself playing noticeably better every day, but I'm not M yet... [​IMG] It's not so bad though when you have a constant feeling of improvement.

    My mode of choice when needing a break from Death has been TGM+. When you learn the pattern and prepare yourself for it, it's not so hard. I didn't play it too much, and was able to reach lvl 998. That's right, just missing the final line to win the mode. [​IMG] I wonder what happens at the end. This is easily the most neglected mode (probably because it has ARE fixed at TGM1 speed) so it's sort of shrouded in mystery.
  11. I went back to TGM 20G mode after only plaing TDS/Lockjaw for like 2 weeks and somehow I've improved. Meaning, I don't always die at 200 anymore.
  12. Yay! Another British user...
  13. I just died at lvl 487 time 3:15.......

    I can feel it.
  14. K


    Yeah !!

    so close !

    just a matter of days !! [​IMG]
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    Not bad colour_thief ! [​IMG]

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