Heboris with Hori Arcade stick

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Japairish, 2 May 2008.

  1. Japairish

    Japairish Unregistered

    Hello all, I am having trouble being able to play Heboris in it's latest patch with my Hori arcade stick seen below

    http://store.videogamecentral.com/xbox3 ... k-ex2.html

    I can play the game fine on my keyboard, but when I start the game up with my arcade stick plugged in the input is forever stuck on down and right. I am able to reach the settings window with a lot of patience and timing, but when I try to create joystick inputs, it does not read the stick movements.

    I currently have drivers installed for this stick, and it reads perfectly in my Game Controllers settings in my control panel. I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how I can fix this? Thank you very much for any future posts.
  2. Try using a program like Joy2Key, and then mapping the controls to keyboard inputs?

    You'd have to somehow remove the joystick inputs from the settings though, or play as Player 2.

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