Heboris goodies

Thread in 'Discussion' started by gila, 4 Feb 2008.

  1. gila

    gila Unregistered

    just got the heboris and the ue from petitprince's page (thanks!) and i like it alot already! so many modes and rotation systems, and nice gfx to boot.

    but i've seen some vids on youtube that show heboris with much cooler backgrounds, and with sounds, music and other minor eyecandy from the lot of the tgm series.

    any ideas where can i obtain that? [​IMG] and what's the latest version of heboris and the ue? thanks!!

    i imagine asking for this or posting links to copyrighted material may cause some legal troubles, so a private message would be nice! [​IMG]
  2. Muf


  3. gila

    gila Unregistered

    omg, thanks alot!!!
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    So nobody want to help me..

  6. gila

    gila Unregistered

    um i deleted all the pms regarding the sfx/gfx stuff.

    and that video has the wrong sound for hold, at least not a TI one. [​IMG]
  7. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I don't care that his sound is not the good one..I want it anyway I find it so class.. [​IMG]
  8. ei


    Also, I have some all-original music/sounds that I created if you'd prefer to be a bit more "legit" about your Heboris sounds.

    Though...I must say I agree with Amnesia: Digital's soundset is absolutely classy sounding. (As an aside, Amnesia, he hasn't released it/wasn't planning to release it last I heard--you may want to shoot him a PM if you haven't)


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