Hebo Mini netplay feature request thread. :)

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Zaphod77, 12 Apr 2008.

  1. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    This is for people to post ideas for improvements for the devs (or me) to work on.

    Hopefully, they will read this.

    1) net_cascade.c The garbage system for this one is n, duplicated with no offset, but with required "min clear" set on server settings before any garbage is sent.

    2) net_tgm.c With items. [​IMG]

    3) selectable garbage systems. Possibilities include

    a) TDS garbage (used now) with editable hole change rate. (0 for random garbage) I may do this. [​IMG]
    b) n-1 random garbage, with editable hole change rate, same as above.

    c) TGM/Bloxeed garbage. (0-2-3-4 cloned)
  2. Here's a potentially-working net_cascade.c: http://netfiles.uiuc.edu/wkinner2/net_cascade.c

    This version doesn't include the server options added in beta 5.

    I don't know how quadra garbage works, so that part's probably wrong. [Right now a cascade that clears N lines total sends N-1 lines of garbage, with the gaps distributed as in TDS.] Let me know in detail how the garbage is supposed to work, and I can fix it. I also am not familiar with cascade gravity in general, so it's quite possible there are still some bugs there.

    EDIT: actually, I already know a couple places where things may be broken. In quadra, would this cascade? What about this?

    I looked into adding TGM garbage support (for net_standard) and it looks fairly difficult. I'll keep thinking about it, though.
  3. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    a new piece sequence for each game would be nice.
  4. Yea, I agree. That will make things more interesting.
  5. Eventually 3 or 4 player would also be awesome.

    And a lobby of games on the servers.

    I do acknowledge that both of these are pretty big requests though.

  6. If you're going to follow Quadra, they both should. I think they both should anyway, or you're going to get an uncascadable bit if you're unlucky with garbage.
  7. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    But should random garbage be able to cascade and self-clear?

    |     |
    |L    |
    |LZZ   |
    |LLZZ   |
    |%%%%%%%% %|
    |%%%%%%%%% |
  8. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    yes, you are supposed to be able to cascade INTO garbage.

    but garbage itself will not cascade.

    so you have garbage of

    it will stay like that and not collapse.

    garbage floats, just like it does in Sticky mode.

    and it's not n-1 garbage, it's n garbage, and exactly clones the players lines, in the order they were cleared, but a required minimum to attack set by server.

    default is to require 2 lines to send garbage. But an interesting game is to require 5 lines to send. SO a cascade is required to send garbage.

    btw, suggest playing with a short line clear delay. [​IMG]
  9. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    the force y spawn option does not work.

    The reason is by the time it gets applied, that variable is no longer checked by the client.

    the correct variable to adjust is


    and it needs to be 1 for below frame and -1 for above frame

    and do not apply if it's 0

    wrong code.

    if(netsSpawnType > -1) spawntype[player] = netsSpawnType;

    correct code

    if(netsSpawnType != 0) block_init_y_pos[player] = netsSpawnType;

    wrong menu code.

    if(netsSpawnType == -1) sprintf(string[0], "PLAYER CHOICE");

    else if(netsSpawnType == 0) sprintf(string[0], "UNDER THE FRAME");

    else sprintf(string[0], "ABOVE THE FRAME");

    printFontGrid(22, 19, string[0], (cursor == 16) * 7);

    correct menu code

    if(netsSpawnType == 0) sprintf(string[0], "PLAYER CHOICE");

    else if(netsSpawnType == 1) sprintf(string[0], "UNDER THE FRAME");

    else sprintf(string[0], "ABOVE THE FRAME");

    printFontGrid(22, 19, string[0], (cursor == 16) * 7);

    and default should be 0, not -1

    I cannot post at 2ch forums because comcast is banned. Any hebo mini devs please PM me here, ok? [​IMG]
  10. Is it possible to force rotation rules from netplay plugins? I'm making a Tetris DS preset for when I play with some of my non-TGM-player friends, and it would be nice to force SRS for minimal setup on their side. It would also be nice to at least have forced soft drop settings. The force Y spawn fix will also make the TDS preset work a lot better.

    Also, is Doubles an eventual possibility? As far as I know, there hasn't even been local Doubles in any Heboris expansion. It would be an incredible addition, though.
  11. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    yes, doubles would be really great. then if 4-player support was added it would open up the possibility of 2 vs 2 [​IMG] something i've always wanted to play.
  12. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    also i know why sometimes the sequence doesn't change.

    lets see the code..

    if(getPushState(player, 4)) {

    // RETRY

    if(statc[player * 10 + 0] == 0) {







    stat[0] = 3;

    stat[1] = 3;

    as you can see it calls playerinit for the pressing player, and then calls playerinit for player2 on your computer. it then calls versusinit.

    now we look at the command recieve code..






    stat[0] = 3;

    stat[1] = 3;

    look! NO VERSUSINIT!

    there is your bug.
  13. I'd like some sort of survival netplay mode. Basically something like Death Shirase where the speedcurve increases and the winner is the player who can either survive the longest time or reach the highest level.
  14. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    That would be neat. and it sholdn't be too hard to do.
  15. Muf


    My server did not have to be removed! DeHackEd's server contains some of his custom code, and has been ported to run on Linux. He says his server should not be listed by default, because it could be instable or not working at times. My server runs the standard heboserver_en.exe from hebo mini, without any changes. So there is no reason not to include my server, and you are welcome to include it in network.ini. I think it is a misunderstanding. Note that my server is usually offline between 9 A.M. and 8 P.M. JST (Japanese time).

    Maybe we should organise some games between Western players and Japanese players, now that we can play online. It could be lots of fun! Players are welcome to join #arika on irc.quakenet.org to challenge any of us! [​IMG]
  16. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I'll work on it.

    EDIT : http://www.mediafire.com/?5u94t2ptoj4
  17. I'm surprised there isn't already a G4 type game mode with "grade attack."
  18. Not sure how this works with plugins, or if it even can, but the ability to save replays (preferable in chunks of, say, five games)would be great.

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