Yes, TAP is back in MAME It's alot faster than 99u4 No mention of it anywhere Please respect our forum's rules. "Do not discuss ROM emulation in regards to authentic Tetris games." -MOD
For OS X you want SDL MAME. And there's no reason to hope... It regularly gets updated. This is rad, I'm very happy to see it back in there. Here's hoping Arika doesn't freak out again.
Well we can keep our 99u4 a little longer, after a some testing I'm very sad to see video and sound problems... Have they forgot something?
That's odd, I'm having no trouble here so far. It also looks like we're back to 1 frame of input lag, which is nice.
No problems over here either. I've tried all modes for about 40 minutes total and nothing to report so far. For me there doesn't seem to be that much difference with MAME 99u4. Maybe a little smoother, but then again my PC is only a few months old. It probably runs better on older hardware now which is good news. I'll use the new version from now on if it runs correctly. Anyway thanks. I managed to get a new TGM+ record. @mfm005: If I remember correctly you are the person who got S9 in the 600 area on TGM. Do you have a video of such game?
There is dynamic recompiling on SH-2 now if I recall correctly, so TGM2 may very well run better now.
nice. any links to CLI sdl mame operations? *nevermind ./mame -help why is it as soon as a post an easy question the answer jumps up and bites me. no help tho.. tgm opens tap does not
i did use the same name as the file, no luck for either of them. i think i had an older version (0.122) I found 0129 and am compiling it right now. this isn't going to finish before work ends, i'm gonna have to kill it and compile it at home. do you know the version of sdl mame to use?
faster you say? in what way? really curious about it! edit: just checked it out. i used all my old cfg/ini files from 0.99u4 version and the newest mame (standard command-line version, not mamefx or whatever) runs slower, the sound chokes and etc etc... plus, the fugly bilinear filtering is back, which sucks! i'll stick to 0.99u4 for now, too lazy to dig into reconfiguring the latest version as i imagine alot has changed since versio 0.99. sigh.. and the siren in TGM is still not fixed
This evening I will try to check a very important thing : Why the two first TAP players are the only one two owners of the real game...