Two rules: No warez, because caffeine says so. Do not post links to ROM files for TGM or any other Tetris brand game, or for that matter any other ROMs unless they're homebrew. But if you happen to be in Japan, feel free to post the address of an arcade that has a working Tetris machine for the benefit of other people visiting Japan. Don't be a dick.
rule number 2 is stupid. and we don't have that problem here if you don't count spammy self promotion. furthermore, specifying that it is "allowed" to post the address of an arcade implies that there is a reason it would not be "allowed", which is equally stupid. if you actually feel there is a reason to make a list of rules, then A) don't make them cute and put them in the forum registration or FAQ--we do not need this eyesore sticky. once again i say: if there is an uppity asshat population that begins to be a problem we can begin taking steps to actually moderate this forum, but as it stands, everyone here has civil, appropriate, and at least halfway decent conversations about relevent topics in non-offensive, anti-asshat ways. just because we had one post about TAP emulation does NOT mean this forum has a warez problem.
Its sounding like TC is very clsoe to breaking out in a flame war... I would advise everyone to try to stay neutral so this does not happen. Its a small board try to get along with everyone.
this is hardly a doom 3 vs half life 2 argument--i'm just suggesting that we stay realistic. it's very easy to get wrapped up in this sort of narcissistic self-importance where the government is reading all your forums and there is an imaginary public that needs to be kept in check. basically i think people have a little bit too much time on their hands which leads to some unnecessary management and poking of the forum/website. not to be nihilistic, but, no one cares. about anything you do. the odds of someone laying a lawsuit down on a forum frequented by 25 tetris aficionados just for mentioning an industry incident are not good. nick just summed this up quite well in the other relevant thread. and i'm sorry to insert the tepples attacks into the discussion, but jesus man, you have a lockjaw thread, it doesn't need a plug in every other. not that it isn't a really great game, that's not the issue, it would just be the equivalent of me going into every TDS thread and talking about TAP. and this thread here... i found it pretty presumptuous and ultimately unnecessary... once again, echoed by nick in the other thread. it was just sort of maniac overactive mod behaviour. no offense. really, not a problem. i just had a vitriolic morning... i blame my back for hurting so much. and TAP for continually making me hit 500 death at 3:27.