Facebook Tetris

Thread in 'Discussion' started by edhuge, 13 Dec 2008.

  1. Has anyone played the Facebook application of Tetris? I'm having a hard time figuring out the Marathon scoring. (My highest score is low 700,000) Also, I can't seem to catch on to playing with the keyboard as opposed to a Nintendo controller. Is there a controller I can buy to use instead of the keyboard? I'm to old to learn new tricks.
  2. There's a weird strategy for tetris friends scoring, check out dumbledorearmy's video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISANNTEf3J0 . As for using a controller, I think some people here use something called joy2key to map keyboard inputs to a pc gamepad.
  3. Marathon is designed in an extremely awkward way. The scoring is the same as the other modes. but progress through the game is proportional to the base score value of whatever line clear you make. Score a single and you earn (100 * Level) points and 1 Goal is subtracted. Score a back-to-back tetris and you earn (1200 * Level) points and _12_ Goal is subtracted rather than a sensible 4. In order to score above 650~700K, you have to heavily abuse the design of the Goal system. You can read up about it here and here.

    Personally though, I think playing for score in Marathon is a bit pointless; playing for time makes sense with how things are set up right now, but there isn't a leaderboard for that. :p

    If you want to play with a controller, you could use Joy2Key or any similar program to map buttons on a USB gamepad to keystrokes and such. (I'm using a PS2 -> USB converter so I can use my DualShock as a mouse right now; I only have one mouse between my desktop and laptop.)

    I'd also suggest ditching aspects of the default configuration to make it more gamepad/arcade-like if you continue using the keyboard. Most players I know use arrows for movement only (Up - Hard drop, Down - Soft drop, Left/Right - Left/Right) and then letter keys and spacebar for rotations and hold (Z/X - Rotate Left/Right, Space - Hold). You can use varations thereof, -- such as left-hand movement on WASD or equivalent -- but that is the basic custom setup that is commonly used. Some players also flip Hard drop to Down rather than Up since they use it more and it keeps their fingers in a line.
  4. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    let me guess: your lowest score for a completion is around 680,000.
  5. grizzle

    grizzle Unregistered

    Anyone tried the festive version on Facebook yet? The invisible bonus level is quite fun.
  6. I sure have -- I'm the person in first, haha. People will start beating me once they practice the invisible a bit, though. My t-spinning is none too incredible; Blink will pull ahead soon enough, I'm sure.

    The invisible is quite easy compared to TGM M-Roll... I wonder what would happen if we got some TAP Master GM playing? Hahaha.
  7. i fail so hard at invis >_< i think i've cleared like 41 lines

    ultra is where it's at imo
  8. kapat

    kapat Unregistered

    the facebook "battle" or "vs" or whatever is really hard cause i keep lagging out and dropping pieces 1 or 2 over from the keys i hit. plus the people you're playing agianst seem like bots.... case it always seems to be waiting on weather YOUR ready before the countdown. i dunno. whatever.
  9. Sprint 5p and Battle+ are asynchronous; they replay previously recorded games to fill opponent slots. You aren't playing live against another human, but some human did play the game you see at some point.
  10. grizzle

    grizzle Unregistered

    Nice work Kitaru on getting the number 1 spot.

    My best score is 1,115,649. About 990,000 of those points are from b2b t-spins through levels 1 - 20. Then I die in the invisible bonus section afetr about 30 lines.

    Anybody got any tips for the invisible bit?
  11. I wrote a post about the invisible section on the Tetris Friends discussion board. Some of the ideas discussed in that thread were borrowed from/inspired by jago's post about the TGM2+ invisible roll. The images are gone and the text is talking about techniques for high gravity invisible, but some of that might still come in handy. Other than that, just keep practicing. Once you've got a bit of invisible practice, you should be one more person just waiting to take first place, haha. I don't have that great of a visible game, so all of you superb t-spinners don't have to work as hard at the invisible to overtake me. It's only a matter of time; Blink is almost there!
  12. grizzle

    grizzle Unregistered

    Thanks for the links. I have managed to beat my personal best. Currently 15th. Need to nail the invisible bit so I can get in the top ten again.
  13. Meh. It's better than marathon.
  14. Just curious... What is everyone's high score on Marathon. I was able to score in the 900,000's. Currently 12th.
  15. is battle+ a hidden option or something? I only ever see sprint multiplayer.

    (not that I'm really excited about battle+ from what I've heard o_o)

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