Evil Bag Randomizer Tetris post game.

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Zaphod77, 28 Mar 2008.

  1. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    For those who think it might be fun.

    Rot system:ACE-SRS. Rotation before movement, movement before gravity. Synchros are possible, but generally not needed. Auto shift is 1G.

    20G is still in effect. But we have SRS kicks to save us. [​IMG]

    Randomizer: Evil Bag. Pick the worst possible piece out of those remaining in the bag for the next person to place.

    Hold: None.

    Piece preview: None.

    Please explain your twists if they aren't obvious.

    Bag: IJLOSTZ

    First piece: I

    remaining bag: JLOSTZ
  2. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    |I    |
    |I    |
    |I    |
    |I    |
  3. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    next piece?
  4. kapat

    kapat Unregistered

    |     | 
    |   o | 
    |  o  | 
    | o   | 
    |o    | 
    |I    | 
    |I    | 
    |I    | 
    |I    | 
  5. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    But you're doing it wrong.


    20|     |
    19|     |
    18|     |
    17|     |
    16|     |
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    04|I    |
    03|I J   |
    02|I J   |
    01|IJJ   |
    Next piece: Z

    Leaving us with L, O, S, and T.

    EDIT: http://zeta.hypersector.com/Tools/Tetri ... @7eBJSIegB
  6. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    <waiting for someone to place the Z which is actually a mirror image of the S tetromino>
  7. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    No one wanna play?
  8. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    20|     |
    19|     |
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    05|     |
    04|I    |
    03|I J Z  |
    02|I JZZ  |
    01|IJJZ   |
    NEXT : O

    Bag : LST
  9. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

  10. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    I had to use DAS.

    Next: S

    Remember: 20G


    |I    |
    |I J Z  |
    |I JZZ OO|
    |IJJZ  OO|

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