Best/Worst Tetris dream/nightmare?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by curiouscube, 11 Jan 2009.

  1. curiouscube

    curiouscube Unregistered


    I have to admit that I stopped playing Tetris a long time ago but seeing how the game got bigger and how people are simply getting much better and insanely fast made me wonder about a couple of things...

    Does Tetris affect your daily life in any specific way? Probably other than seeing how pieces can fit in various locations and things.

    And what are your best and/or worst Tetris related dream / nightmare? (I'm curious to read about stories that involve things less about how a particular piece would not fit, or how that problem transformed into something else in your dream/nightmare).

    Let me know!

  2. I don't know about "seeing how pieces can fit in various locations and things," but I definitely catch myself scrutinizing over the most efficient order or technique of doing something fast.

    It's funny that you mention Tetris dreams because just a few days ago I started a dream journal. It's part of my wanting to learn how to lucid dream (I've been doing some research and it seems pretty legit). Two nights ago I had a dream that I was playing on what looked like a Game Boy Advance and the Tetris game was very vivid and colorful, and I think it had some sort of cutesy dog theme (no doubt that must've come from my playing Nintendogs recently). Other than the occasional "seeing blocks fall" dreams that occurs after playing over about six hours in one day, I very rarely recall Tetris dreams nowadays.
  3. curiouscube

    curiouscube Unregistered

    Really? I thought everyone had those! Well me and a few friends had that tendency after playing for a certain amount of time. Makes you see the world differently for a while. Or just try to do "live" Tetris with every shape or form you see. But I'm also wondering if "excessive" amounts of playing makes changes more permanently to one's visual reality.

    Hum, I'm sure that's a good thing! Nice.

    Thanks for the answer, and keep 'em coming!

  4. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    when i started playing tetris aournd 89-90 i had tetris dreams and saw tetriminos everywhere.

    that went away a long time ago and never came back.
  5. This stuff actually only happens when you are relatively new to the game. Experienced players are really desensitized to the common "tetris dreams" thing. I haven't had any especially distinct tetris dreams or real life tetris phenomenon in ages.

    It hardly qualifies as "real life" but at the tetris tournament last fall I kept thinking of how to set up a J wallkick when I saw the logo on all the people's shirts. This is the same graphic you see at the top of that website.

    One of my awesomest video game related dreams was when I was in a train station and I saw a new arcade machine. I was talking to the arcade op and he explained it was a really affordable arcade game that this new developer had created to kick start the north american arcade market again. It was built to be uber cheap... the hardware was somehow made from 16 reconditioned Game Boy Color units working together, producing crazy chiptune music with low colour but high action gameplay. The game was actually a shmup though... not a puzzle game.
  6. I've never really had Tetris effect happen to me. Either with Tetris itself, or with DDR, IIDX, TA, etc. I mean sure, from time to time I'll consciously imagine tetris fields or tetris attack fields, but never involuntarily, and never vividly.

    I can vaguely recall one Tetris dream though. Somehow i managed to find TGM at an arcade machine and I was really excited since I've never played tetris with an arcade stick. Somehow though it turned into some weird demented tetris that had items, obstacles (lava???), a huge playfield (20x20?). It was kind of like a weird cross between lockjaw:TOD and tetris ds's "catch" mode.

    The only time Tetris actually springs to mind is whenever I see grids and such, especially when some parts of it are filled in and others aren't. Somebody was playing a version of Picross and that's what sprung to mind.
  7. curiouscube

    curiouscube Unregistered

    ok... some side-effects....! But apparently not as strong as my gang o' people. Maybe it's because the game world was "rather" new at that time. Nowadays kids/teens and most adults have played zillions of game and they probably don't have such an impact on the mind... (I'm 36 BTW, how old are you all here?)

    But I recently completed BLOCKY 2 (which is real cool) and was again struck by dreams trying constantly to solve blurry and incomprehensible levels... Nothing atypical to the aforementioned syndrome, but anyhow...

  8. I went through the mind-tetris phase so badly that occasionally I'd tune out of what people were saying to me because I'd start playing mental Tetris halfway through the conversation.
  9. OMG! lol.
    I started a dream journal as well trying for Lucid Dreams.
    I have tried WILD quite a few times, its reaaaly weird.
  10. K


    about the tetris effect i never noticed it.

    since few year i don't remember my dreams. i can only if i hardly try to. about lucid dream, back to high school i couldn't beleive my friend telling me he could do it every time. i remember having 2 or 3 lucid dream that i remember on the morning... but this is something i really would like to control because it is reaaaaaaally cool.
    i also had reading about Polyphasic sleep, and this is something i would like to someday. [​IMG]
  11. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Or just not completely suck when I pack outgoing shipments into 3 by 2 foot postal cages at the warehouse where I work.
  12. I haven't tried WILD yet, but I've been doing MILD all night every night. Last night I did wake-back-to-bed with no luck. I do reality checks religiously (over fifty a day). I have excellent recall (last night I remembered four dreams in detail), so while I haven't had a lucid dream yet, I'm staying positive.

    On topic: Tetris!
  13. I used to see falling blocks all the time when I was casually playing Tetris Flash.
    Now that I'm a TGM player, I don't have the Tetris effect anymore. But my mind sometimes idly churns through some 20G play at Master-900 speeds while I'm going to bed.
  14. Yeah, I don't get the Tetris effect dreams anymore, or just randomly see tetrominoes and try to fit things together, but if I'm bored and my mind starts wandering I'll play some 20G in my head (sort of like rednefed).
  15. I just had this interesting dream about Facebook Tetris, in which my friends could create customized versions of the game and post them on their profiles or something.
  16. curiouscube

    curiouscube Unregistered

    So far, everyone seems pretty stable, no deep psychosis syndrome! Good for you!

    But in this case, is there any other game that you simply stopped because it was making you "mad" in some particular way?

  17. "mad"? Like IWBTG mad? heh.

    I stopped playing Breath of Fire 3 after i learned .......what happens in the end.

    I started playing a lot less DDR after I ran into physical walls. I couldn't be bothered to get used to a style of play where things like pad misses and such wouldn't be an i switched over to BMIIDX instead ^^;
  18. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    mario kart wii.

    maintaining 9000+ was frustrating for me, i had to stop. i don't play games to get angry [​IMG]
  19. I got an S90 in Special Ti on Texmaster. Apparently I really got an S10, and it just didn't overwrite the 9.

    Makes no sense.
  20. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    maybe you should post that in the Texmaster thread?

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