Would nice feeling the controller vibrate when you clear lines. The more lines the more feedback! Any games doing that?
It should be not very hard to make the code to do that.. But I have never heard something about that..
Or support for this: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-m-49-en-70-2pn.html Play with your girlfriend and she'll beg you to reach GrandMaster
must be an april's joke ? "only suitable for REZ. REZ doesnt look to me like the typical girls favoured game... if that thing would be more general and rumble with all games, it would be still quite strange, but at least uh - opens interesting new ways of human-console interaction
There was an article on the net somewhere (can't remember where) about this guy who played it and let his girlfriend have the "device"...
not to digress, i too feel that vibrator to be much more interesting than spidoo's question, but just for kicks, at least the xbox version of tetris worlds does a lot of vibrating. not sure of the specifics, although i do recall quite a bit of gyrating in response to reaching a new level. I would be very surprised if evolution wasn't making super usage of that feature...