Angel Britney blah

Thread in 'Discussion' started by DIGITAL, 22 Nov 2006.


    DIGITAL Unregistered

    These posts are getting out of hand and much more inappropriate. Something seriously needs to be done.
  2. Just give out loads of mod powers.

    Or tighten up the security with making an account.
  3. Topic stickied.

    On a serious note, I've deleted almost this exact message before, last Friday. Different picture, but identical text. All it would take is to forbid posts containing "cock sucker" or some other choice words and we'd never see it again. Or we could forbid linking sites and images until the user has more than one post.
  4. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Great idea, but i think it needs to be taken further. I would put it to 5 posts, because it wouldn't take much to post one post then quickly go and post something like that.
  5. i was thinking about this one. but it looks way too hard to install.
  6. That actually looks really really good though. Probably worth the effort.
  7. but risky. honestly, i'm not good at all with this stuff. the current four mods i have right now were easy enough, but this sort of stuff-- i'm liable to break the forums.
  8. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    well, you could always clone the forum. Then try the install on the clone. If it breaks it break no biggie. But if it works then you know what to do to the real one.
  9. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    looks like I may need to make some changes [​IMG]
    quote from the antispam bad words list:

    INSERT INTO phpbb_words (word_id, word, replacement) VALUES (54, 'fanny', '*beep*')

  10. just do the usual captcha image verification!

    if a new user wants to register, he needs to enter a string thats displayed in an image, i think all of you know what i mean. this way you do not have any badword list etc. i do not like these lists.

    for example, if i want to say something about a "fucking fantastic boob-tastic tetris" game (ok, one could say: hey, calm down, dont get too excited by just tetris..) i couldnt....

    for my forum, i had also loads of nasty spammers. so i programmed my own captcha - it cut of all of them. no spam since then. in the amusing part is: its not a real captcha, its just a random number generated and displayed as ordinary text.. you just need to change a little bit and their programs they use to automatically generate accounts fail.

    hope that was not too confusing. just search for captcha phpBB.
  11. I'd love to see a tetris based CAPTCHA. It would randomly produce evident looking Tetris problem, such as:

    |    | You've got an
    |    |
    |    |   I
    |    |   I
    |    |   I
    |    |   I
    |XXXXXX X|   ?
    |XXXXXX X| Where do you put it ?
    |XXXXXX X|
    |XXXXXX X| ? 1| ? 2| ? 3| ? 4| ? 5| ? 6| ? 7| ? 8| ? 9
    |    | You've got an
    |    |   
    |    |   LLL
    |    |   L 
    |    |   ?
    |    |
    |    |
    |    | Where do you put it ?
    |XXXXX X|
    |XXXXX XXX| ? 1| ? 2| ? 3| ? 4| ? 5| ? 6| ? 7| ? 8| ? 9
    |    | You've got a
    |    |   
    |    |    Z
    |    |   ZZ
    |    |   Z
    |    |   ?
    |    |
    |XXXXXX X| Where do you put it ?
    |XXXXXX X|
    |XXXXXX XX| ? 1| ? 2| ? 3| ? 4| ? 5| ? 6| ? 7| ? 8| ? 9
    The sole fact that it's an never-seen-before CAPTCHA should get us rid of spam.

    Now... we need to find someone who can code this ^^.
  12. coding is in fact nothing hard. just draw a couple of these tetris-captchas and then choose one randomly. lets say one of you guys makes 20 nice gif-images of such tetris-situations, then everything is done. there are tons of captcha - plugins for phpBB, i think. and one of these will support user provided images with a user provided answer.
  13. wow. two spam threads in five minutes.
  14. the strange thing is: how do they pass the captcha? it is for actual OCR programs impossible to decipher captchas...

    and the human test is also hard to pass....

    must be manually registered and spammed...
  15. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    "Come to our site for free porn! Trouble is, we don't give porn to robots, so you'll need to solve this image to prove that you can appreciate our products. For details see" Then the spammer proxies some random web board's CAPTCHA to a human seeking prurient pictures.
  16. "how do they pass the captcha?"

    they not only pass the captcha, but they pass the humanizer, they pass the tweak where i don't let them enter website on registrations, and they pass the tweak where posting fails if it took less than x seconds. =/ it's not like i haven't done anything about it. i'm trying...
  17. I wouldn't rule out bots... The current captcha doesn't look very hard to decypher. I know many can be solved with a high success rate by bots.
  18. Might I request people to not reply in each spam thread and instead ignore them entirely? It's less clutter that way if the meaningful threads with new posts rise to the top, bumping the pointless ones down.

    Also, according to :

    Check started: 2006-10-23 19:24:24

    Anti-spam weaknesses found:


    Standard captcha mod offers weak protection

    memberlist.php is present

    Links in memberlist

    Emails in memberlist

    Admin activation is disabled

    Could post an automated message


    SPAM points: 12

    Where over 10 points is critical.

    I guess we could at least fix the things that was specified in this list?

    I also looked for a plugin to enable Akismet (Anti-spam filtering service for blogs & forums) integration for phpBB, but unfortunately what attempt did exist for a plug-in was abandoned halfway. dammit.
  19. i couldnt believe that captchas are so easily breakable, look here:

    among that list is that captcha implementation used in this forum.

    the strange thing is: in my small humble forum ( ) based on minibb i use the most stupid, selfmade captcha at all: just a text string that must be repeated. maybe the solution is to use, instead of the widespread standard captcha - plugin for phpBB, a more strange captcha.

    maybe that idea with that special "tetris captcha where to put the I" should be implemented. unfortunately i gave up after looking at phpBB source code - was way to complex for a quick shot implementation. is there some more expert php programmer here in the forum? please, help us...
  20. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Depends. What version of PHP does this site run? 4 or 5?

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