$1,000 in Tetris Plus 2 bounties !

Thread in 'Competition' started by MDARULZ, 2 Jan 2012.

  1. You read right, folks ! Sorry I didn't post this sooner, but the holidays have been a busy time. Nonetheless, better 'late' than never !

    I've had 6 bounties worth a cool $1,000 in effect for a couple of weeks, but fear not - there's still a week left, and you can cash in !

    Tetris Plus 2 (TP2) has a 'regular' Tetris mode, but the bounties are for the 'Puzzle' mode of the game. For those who've not tried it out, your goal is to create an opening in a playfield that consists of pre-laid blocks, and you use the standard 7 tetrominos to create that opening. If successful, the character that is walking on top of the blocks will touch the bottom of the playfield, and then that stage is completed. Here's a sample pic from TP2:


    OK - now, I've done a few different, and interesting, things on this mode of the game. For example, I've had a perfect game, and also pushed the score limits for both Standard difficulty, and the Expert difficulty, for Puzzle Mode. And, depending on how well I think I've done, I've arranged things such that someone can enter (via a small entry fee that's an amount you can choose), and if the entrant wins, then a generous multiplier takes effect. The multiplier ranges from 4x, all the way up to 10x, for the various bounties I'm offering. For example, a player beating my score for a perfect game, and entering for the maximum entry fee amount, would get $300 as the bounty award !

    Well, let's cut to the chase now. For the post that I have done giving all the details, and parameters, click here. To see the entire thread from the beginning, click here.

    I hope we can get a few of you competing on this title, and another post I did to gauge interest in TP yielded at least a couple of you who are familiar with the game. In any case, good luck if anyone on here gives it a go, and let's see if someone can top a few of my scores ! :)
    Last edited: 3 Jan 2012
  2. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

  3. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    Sorry about that, it should hopefully be fixed now.

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