TGM4 Announced^W Cancelled^W Revived!!

Thread in 'Discussion' started by colour_thief, 20 Aug 2009.

  1. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    I think TGM4 was originally going to be on sega ringwide. pretty sure ringedge is overkill.

    but sega may not be the company they parter with.

    In my opinion they should have went to sega in the first place for the series, since it's clearly an evolution of sega tetris, but oh well. :)
  2. For anyone a bit more in the loop or actually following the Japanese twitter, has there been any update on this? Don't really consider no news to be good news when it comes to ARIKA...
  3. From Poochy's Twitter (for decent translations):
    • PS4 release would be too expensive, though they said to "ask IKD about Steam". IKD = Tsuneki Ikeda, CEO of CAVE, ported Mushihimesama to Steam
    • The distributor said it would be hard to deploy within Japan (but it's still not time to panic)
    Other than that, the tgm_series Twitter has been retweets of screenshots and Mihara moaning about emulation. Basically business as usual, it seems.
    Betelgeuse likes this.
  4. Wait, IKD did the PC port of Mushihimesama himself? Awesome.
    Glad to see he's still at least somewhat hands-on with shooters.
  5. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    So seems home #tgm_series is a go, and provided it sells well the series will continue (new tgm games) and be considered legit by the guideline.

  6. So they might finally release tgm4 ??? Crazyness
  7. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    yes, if the upcoming tgm ports sell well, the series will continue.

    I for one will do my part.
  8. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

  9. Muf


    Okay, this time I'll believe it. :D
  10. It's seems like the game is going to be called The Absolute Eye and not The Masters Of Rounds as it was originally called.
  11. minus The. it's just Absolute Eye, which makes for a cool acronym.

    anyways i'm hype and have been very occasionally playing Ti in anticipation
  12. I am so hyped that I started playing tgm aggressively again :p
  13. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    Steam page finally up.

    It has SRS and ARS, here renamed to "Standard" and "TGM" instead of World and Classic.

    Standard appears to uses 7 bag, denoted by 7BS while ARS appears to use a more TGM-ish randomizer, denoted by IRM.

    The game has a larger number of previews than earlier TGM games.

    It plays the sound for the first piece before the game starts, so it's in theory possible to play completely blind without holding the first piece.

    ARS appears to be still move reset, but the weirdness from previous guideline games master mode does not seem to be present. The DAS appears to speed up as needed to ensure you can use DAS to place pieces when the lock delay lowers below it. This is seen by how the DAS speeds up in later levels of Asuka compared to the start.

    The game provides two rotation buttons for each direction, as well as hold, rewind (for Asuka, explained below) and possibly a seventh button, which may be the DAS cancel button. The label of "E" on the button on previous early screenshots was not much of a clue The second rotation button allows you to quickly rotate clockwise 2 or three times when needed.

    Mihara was not allowed to put in a similar grading system to past titles, and states that a new simpler system is used. There still might be torikans in some modes.

    The game has quite a few modes. I'm listing the ones shown with normal game start, after selecting Standard or TGM

    For Standard rotation only, the top mode is Marathon. Appears to be the 150 line version, based on the fact that the video preview doesn't go over 150 lines. The same score attack you know and love from other guideline Tetris games, with a decently fast soft drop. None of this silly variable goal nonsense. Points for line clears popup on the screen. Not sure if the game uses guideline style combo scoring, or TGM style, but it does show combos, as well as t-spin and back to back. The announcements are in other modes too.

    For TGM rotation only, Normal. This mode is similar to master mode from earlier TGM games, but seems to top out at TGM1 speeds. Clear level 999 as quickly as you can, and get tetrises, because they give +2 bonus level just like TI. It almost certainly has the tgm style credits roll with pieces becoming invisible. Should be clearable by most players with practice. Apparently you are graded x out of ten, at least according to Mihara's tweet where he says his title for Normal is Ten of Ten.

    Asuka appears to be a 5 minute 20G time attack mode with a speed curve similar to T.A. Death. Getting Tetrises makes cute little foxes appear, one per tetris. They go away when you pass a level stop after showing a pink heart for each one. You are given a rewind button for this mode only to undo piece placement to try again, but the time is not restored while you rewind, and it takes time to use it as well, ensuring that you will never reach 1000 if you rewind often. The trailer shows the game entering invisible mode at 1000, but Mihara has tweeted that the difficulty is being reduced, because Asuka was intended to be an intermediate mode. It may be possible that you are always allowed to finish the current section when the timer runs out, judging by the fact that Mihara's rank in that mode is 499. It seems to be a variation on the original Kamui concept, assuming that was a 5 minute mode like the prototype inside of TGM3. Without another video, we don't know if it is a set seed mode.

    Master is the mode formerly known as Rounds, and is intended to be the true challenge in the game, and seems to be the successor to both Shirase and other master modes. Starts with high speed 20G, and fairly early on it introduces the ice gimmick. Lines made in the ice are not removed until after the level stop. They do appear to count for purposes of increasing your level. The mode tracks tetrises (4 Line), t-spins, all clears (Bravo), and lines formed in the ice fog (Pikii) during the game. As these counters are increased, bonus levels are added to your line clears according to unknown thresholds, in addition to the normal +1 for triple and +2 for tetris. So you are expected to use all of your skills to beat levels faster. Once you hit 700, it starts doing ice levels back to back, which means holes are more severely penalized then, when you can at best only fix the ones directly uncovered by the clear. There is likely to be a new gimmick for 1000+ which the trailer tries not to spoil, cutting out to a screen that states "SOUND ONLY" literally just after the level counter goes past 1000. The high number of previews helps in planning all clears while they are still possible.

    Konoha mode is the one we know and maybe love from the location test. The objective is to make as many all clears as possible to extend the timer and reveal G-rated cute anime style characters. The bravo possibility detection AI seems to be improved, and early on the game actually gives advice on how to set them up with the placement suggestions. When the game knows how to bravo with the known pieces, the cute fox shows up. When you get the all clear, the cute fox looks happy and shows a pink heart, and if you miss one the game detected, it falls over. With the high number of previews, it's reasonable to strategize and plan them out. Normally S and Z don't spawn, but there is a screenshot showing them in this mode. So there probably is some sort of code/option to enable them.

    Shiranui is a mode where you battle against various A.I. opponents of different difficulties in a best of 3 match. There seem to be hidden opponents in this mode. The highest tier bots are intended to play under max human skill, but not by much. It seems to possibly be intended as a mode to teach you how to versus, which fits the stated theme of the product.

    2 player versus battle is also in the game, though it has not been shown yet.

    There also appear to be tutorials about various mechanics, including SRS spin triples, shown off in a tweet.

    Mihara states that the game has many other modes, though he may be counting variants made possible by codes as different modes. For example, it might be possible to play Marathon or Normal with Big Minos (new official term).
  14. Muf


    "You will have your watered down guideline TGM and you will be happy with it". What a world we live in these days. I don't mean to piss on anyone's bonfire if they're excited about TGM4, but if TTC is telling Mihara what he can and can't put into a game (which we all know has been a thing since Ti/ACE, so it's not exactly a new development), I find it hard to have the kind of enthusiasm about it that I would think a new TGM game deserves. Instead of pushing the boundaries and shifting the meta, I think TGM4 can be summed up as the following:
    - At l(e)ast we're getting a new TGM that's official and not a fan game
    - It's not Japan exclusive and not arcade exclusive, so we can all buy it and enjoy it ethically and legally
    - We'll finally see some of the gameplay mechanics that Mihara has been toying with since the first TGM3 prototype
    - There's a half decent modern alternative to the guideline slop that's been force fed to casual Tetris players for the past 20 years
    - Success of this title could indicate to TTC that Tetris players are hungry for more challenging games

    That's the most positive spin I can give on it. I'll buy it, play it for a bit, tell people around me to buy it, and then go back to playing TAP. It would seem I've become one of those people.

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