Finally, after 2 months of grind, I officialy passed the exam to become a TGM3 World Rule Grand Master. I'm currently the youngest, at 14. 3rd French in the World. Here's the recording : Done the 18th of July 2024.
Yeah I've been playing modern Tetris for, like, 5 years. Now i'm currently starting playing Classic Rule, just to see how far I can go. (edit : i'm gonna buy a stick very soon, playing on a d-pad with ARS feels horrible at high speed due to unprecise imputs, and I wanted to buy a stick anyway)
congrats! just so you know, we have a leaderboard website: feel free to make an account and submit your GM exam to the world qualified master board!
And we now have reached the number of 50 Grand Masters (from all rulesets)! We're recently getting a lot of new World Rule GMs (with Dale now being the 50th!), about one per month. I hope new players will succeed at getting the GM exam and passing it. In my opinion, with the proper practice, it's completly doable !
Update : About a month ago, I got Classic GM after 5 months trying to ! Since i'm 15, i'm now the youngest classic gm