Ruh roh Rooby, are we really doing this? Maybe! Covid restrictions are lifting across Europe, and barring a second wave, the Dutch government is allowing events up to a certain size from September again. Plug in City has also reopened, and they are alright with hosting the event under the usual arrangement. We would be responsible for adhering to the government rules and guidelines as they will be by that time. My personal position is that organising the event is always a big drain, which gets rewarded when everybody shows up and has a good time. So in that spirit, I will host the event if no less than 10 people promise to attend. So, if people are able and willing to travel, the meeting will be held on 1-4 October 2020. If attending is a problem for too many people; EXCELLENT! But let's go better next time. Please let me know RSVP status: Yes: 2 No: 3 Maybe: 2
not 100% sure on whether i can make it. i'd love to be there but some circumstances IRL make traveling harder. i'll keep you updated edit: yep, i won't be able to make it, i think. sorry bout that. surely something can still be done online though, maybe?
Count me in; considering I have to travel to uni anyways I'll gladly spend the weekend here instead of at home EDIT: Although I was hyped at the beginning, I realised that it's difficult for me atm to commit to something like that. With next years grades having a big impact on whether and where I'll be able to do a Masters degree (if at all) missing out on even only the first two weeks of uni could be detremental. I'll see how human malware evolves and maybe change my judgement, but right now I'll have to lean towards staying safe.
If it is 100% safe for me to attend, I'd consider it. However due to the fact I risk killing family members if I catch covid (and last time I attended I did end up coming down with some form of cold) I won't make any plans until then and even then I might already have plans around the time due to other tournaments waiting for the coast to clear. I'll remember to bring a gun to the next meetup then. :^)
It's of course impossible to say with 100% certainty that I'm going to attend since none of us really have a good clue of what the world will look like then. But if it's reasonable to come, count me in!
I would try to make it but cannot give a 100% guarantee, its more complicated than normal years. Also I am a bit conflicted and can understand Archinas and Kevcels stance. Maybe organising a big online meeting would be better than just skipping the meeting altogether?
thank you again for looking to organize for us muf. the cancellation is unfortunate and to our detriment. personal interactions with their ten thousand intricacies have no rival in building up relationships and communities. living with others for a weekend can give some nice insight into personality and values. on the other hand, screens+keyboards can obscure much. even with cam+audio; the personal impressions and knowledge of past meets seem to be for me the true foundation of whatever is built going forward.