First experiences of Death

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Pineapple, 26 Mar 2008.

  1. Having only tried death mode for the first time about half an hour ago, and describing the experience in IRC as "like i'm playing death mode like other people (not including the non-humans here) play the full invis roll", I'm wondering...

    What were your experiences of the very first game fo death mode you played? And how far did you get?

    I didn't take a screenshot of my first game, but I managed to get to level 49. To explain the above quote, clearing lines was the last thing on my mind, even though I managed to clear a few. I was just trying to make sure that the piece that I was placing was going into a semi-appropriate hole. And failing. Miserably...

    I would particularly like to hear from the seemingly inhuman members of this community, so that I can compare notes. And so that I can finally see your human side...
  2. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I remember on my first game, my stack was always flat on the right side and I always IRS'd my I to the tetris hole. I had been practicing 20g TGM a while before that. (Couple months?) I got to at least level 100.
  3. Death Mode wasn't something I tried until Digital persuaded me once I'd got stuck around 500 on TGM.

    I remember Death would frustrate me, because I was already well experienced with Tetris DS and LockJaw, and didn't have a problem handling the speed (well, I did once I got to 300), but the ARS would usually whittle me down until I died in the early 200's.

    I remember little of my first game, probably because I'd frequently play TGM on the 20G cheat, so it wasn't really anything new for me.
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I don't remember exactely my first attempt, but if I don't take in consideration the little tetlag we have to support for EVERY kind of new support of Tetris, I struggled around an accurate performance after 2 days, and during 2-3 weeks

    I was Gm on TGM1 and just got S7 on TAP, so I naturaly stabilized my best performances at around :

    350 on DEATH..

    382 when I met jago, c_t, LOst and mfm on emulversal..

    436 in entering in tc..

    519 during the meeting in Strasbourg..

    634 today.. [​IMG]
  5. Death on TGM2 was my first attempt at 20G... that was almost a year ago. I remember I kept getting the L and J pieces caught on a block when I tried to slide it -- because I wasn't initially rotating them.

    I don't really remember what I did to improve. just kept playing a few games a day.

    oh yeah, and I kept trying to rotate the I piece while sliding left into a hole, but it wouldn't rotate because there was not enough clearance (its easier to make tetris holes on the right side). see the wiki if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  6. My first time playing Death, was when it was first emulated. I don't remember much about my performance... But I had already achieved Gm in TGM1 many times so I had a pretty good 20G background. I probably was able to hit 300 on a good run, but would die soon thereafter. Probably, in a similar way to how L0st currently plays.

    What I remember most about it was a vivid sense of wonder. I had been playing TGM1 for over a year, during which time I met jago and sh8 and mat and L0st and a few others. And I had been teased with the (to me at the time) mindblowing official Arika TAP demonstration videos. TGM3 did not exist either, if you can picture that. And while we all loved TGM1, any one of us would have killed for TAP. The music, the graphics, the incomprehensible speed... It seemed like the perfect game.

    That first time loading it up, with the crisp pixels and clear sound, and fluid detailed animations, it was truly surreal. We didn't have Heboris or any TAP clone... We just went straight from TGM1 to TAP and it felt amazing.
  7. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Woah.. that feels like a really deep feeling.

  8. Ah, that's very much the way I remember it. Though I never registered or posted, I had been a lurker on emuversal since discovering TGM. I remember waiting anxiously for TAP to get dumped, and it was pretty awesome playing it for the first time.

    As for death mode, I remember being surprised at how much slower it was than I was expecting. Having watched the tetris finals video, I hadn't considered that the player was manually locking pieces and thought that was the minimum speed. [​IMG] That said, it was still really difficult and I had a hard time surviving past the first section. After a few weeks (or perhaps months) I was able to reach the 200's and I think I first reached level 300 sometime in early or mid 2006.

    Damn. That means its taken me about 1.5 years to get from level 300 to 400. [​IMG] By the time I reach death GM, the rest of you will be Shirase S13 or GM. And by the time I catch up to that, you all will have ascended to a higher plane of existence.
  9. K


    i don't remember exactly about my first try Death mode but probably as ct on that time., i have tested it on Mame, but was complaining a lot about delay. my overall performance was crapy anyway as everybody starts...

    but the only thing we were sure about Death, was that it would take lot of times... well ct finally did it [​IMG] and well you know... [​IMG]
  10. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    And I think you will be a lot more upset when I will become the 2nd.. [​IMG]

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