Search a NES Tetris hack with static colored tetrominos

Thread in 'Research & Development' started by Greengecko, 19 Mar 2019.

  1. Hi everybody, I am new in this forum because I search an special Tetris hack for the NES version of the game. I've build a big Tetris game with 208 RGB LEDs, 200 for the grid, 8 for the next block display. This was not my idea, I've found it here:

    My solution is a RaspberryPi 3, an Arduino UNO and WS2812B LEDs. The RPi works an NES emulator (feux) and give some data with USB to the Arduino. And the UNO let the LEDs lighting. All is working fine but:

    In NES version Tetris changes every level the color palette for the tetrominos. But this is not really good for my LED wall, better is if the color palette is static. I know that it is possible, but not for me. I've tried some hex editing but nothing worked. I'm too stupid for hex hex :)
    Can anybody create an IPS patch for such a hack? I hope anybody can help me

    PS: the attached image shows a nice color palette, this would be perfect as NES palette

    Attached Files:

  2. Sorry, but thats just not how NESTris works.
    It uses a 3-color palette, one for s and L, and one for everything else, then "white" and "black".

    You can use this tool to change the palette, but note you can only choose two colours + "white" per level.

    Note it requires the 49kb rom, the 256kb one will fail.
  3. Why would you build a huge physical device but not spend some hours and drive it by a modern Tetris engine customized for this purpose?
  4. @XeaL: thanks for exe file ... Thats perfect for my project.
    @TGGC: because this is outer my skills. I've read some projects where guys has coded a modern Tetris but I can't understand it ... Maybe you have a good idea for me? Or how would you code a new Tetris ?
  5. You could either use a freely modifiable engine like Nullpomino or ask someone here to help you out if you are unable to create a tetris game from scratch.
  6. thanks for the tip, I've downloaded the Nullpomino archive at github, starting the programm is not the problem. The question is how to send RGB data to the Arduino? Possible to load a lua file?
  7. There is a lib called luaj which enables to execute lua scripts in a matte of some lines:

    import org.luaj.vm2.*;
    import org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.*;

    Globals globals = JsePlatform.standardGlobals();
    LuaValue helloWorld= globals.loadfile("examples/lua/hello.lua");;

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