I will never understand how can some players get 1300 under 4:50 in SHIRASE and play with a so average level in MASTER. I just don't see how this can exist. You should destroy this mode under 5min. You play like someone who would be just unable to survive the 1200 speed of SHIRASE.
I am not accusing anyone of cheating...Did I...? I am just pointing that someone proud of a MK in 5:45....And who has reached a while ago S13 in 4:45...Well that's fucking weird. It would be a bit the equivalent as you with a death Gm in 5:18, but having struggle to finish the Master more under 8:45.
No one said anything about cheating. They're different modes, and require different skillsets to excel at. That, and I know Nick has put in a lot more time into Sudden Ti than...well, any other mode, and it doesn't seem so unreasonable.
And as promised the second one is better (I just gotta figure out how to get the full screen bit working...). I also got my PB on Special TI: M5 @ 7:08! Edit: I also play on keyboard, no hold.
Texmaster Sudden Ti 4:44.83, new WR and Shirase western record Texmaster Special Ti 5:40.30 MM with a crap ton of grade points in an m8 roll a lot of stuff for just my second post lol