little tetris book

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Tom, 21 Apr 2008.

  1. Tom


    Hi Guys , today i has made a "little Tetrisbook".

    I wann read something about Tetris outside in the sun. [​IMG]

    I took the pages from the wiki and some forumposts.

    Its absolutly not complete, I made it for me, cant print 400 pages. [​IMG]

    Maybe a other tetrisbeginner can employ it.

    Uploaded the .doc and .pdf file.

    The Cover isnt finished, but i have enough for today. [​IMG]

    A Big Thanks to the whole Tetrisconcept for sharing Tetris infos!

    Hope its no Problem if I print and sell it to gain wealth, muhahah [​IMG]
  2. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I failed Rapidshare's CAPTCHA. Does this make me not a real boy?
  3. Bloody hell... what was wrong with the old captcha???
  4. Muf


    I got pretty frustrated with that CAPTCHA yesterday as well. It was so bad I actually triplechecked a code, made SURE it was the correct code, and it would still say I entered it wrong. So I'm guessing there's a bug in there somewhere. I had to try like four times before I got it right.
  5. Tom


  6. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    tepples: real boys don't have blue hair.
  7. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Thanks. Here's a hassle-free mirror of the document from my home server (1.39 MB)

    The pfrow diagrams didn't turn out too well, at least in Foxit Reader.

    But this calls attention to some aspects how the information is presented on the wiki. I guess it might be a good idea to move the specific timing tables from each game's main article to a subpage.
  8. They're not much better in Acrobat Reader 5.05. Anyone who is porting them in the future as images should probably just screenshot them, or convert them to text format (and remember to use a fixed-width font).
  9. Tom


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