I saw the Arika logo... And then I topped out. Oops. Orange line's in sight. S8, 999 @ 9:46:88 Edit: Oh yeah, and this was at 61.68hz.
minor improvement, Orange line S9s are still pretty rare but I'm clearing with ~9:00 times pretty consistently now, hitting 8:5x with S8 a couple of times. I feel like I'm a freak accident away from M lol, but I honestly don't know how many of the requirements I'm hitting usually
GM @ 8:17:38 Second ever GM, and I finally did it with a good time! Added fumen for credit roll: Tetris demonstration diagram
Nice job, @eskatre ! You are making me want to play master again, because now you are beating me again (aside from the line which come on, means nothing in my case). Race to sub 8 GM?
I can't see this happening, I can barely get to 8:15 without GM so sub-8 would take a tremendous effort. Honestly, with that last PB, I felt like I could move on and stop playing Master for a while. Sorry :/ I just want Death GM now
I think that's my first clear ever (well not exactly "clear", I got the green line ) S8 @ 09:22:23 green line (score : 215473) I have a screenshot but I can't upload it right now for reasons unknown, I'll try again later
I wanted a video for my PB game but I didn't clear the nvram when I played it so the replay doesn't work so instead I recorded an 8:50 Orange S8:
It seems an February's end I managed to get to the end of TAP Master for the first time, but got distracted and forgot to post here (blame work). I was desperate to see the fading roll in a run that was otherwise going poorly, hence no SK.
Well, now I can finally update my signature and stop being embarrassed by the 10+min S9. I think my best sections at the moment are the awkward G sections, it feels strange that I've got to that point.