This is just for fun, just quick mockup for TGM game on Neogeo idea. I borrowed the background from SNK vs Capcom CHAOS game.
Looks neat! Not to nitpick, but Neo Geo is half of the resolution of your mock-ups, so they'll need to be a lot more pixelly if you want it to run on Neo Geo.
I've just adjusted more stuff, make it less details, ofcourse following the neogeo limitation This is original size This double size to make it easier to see the details
I've refined the Frame further, entire frame now only use 16 colors. Background is borrowed from Metal Slug 3
another mockup, what if Tetris has some sort of 80s cyberpunk theme vibe around it.. and what if i tell you guys that there are slim chance that development have already gone full swing on the cyberpunk tetris game for neogeo....
Wow, totally awesome art style n3o! You have mapped 3D rendered art from Ti into very nice pixel art (which is not as easy at it looks), that looks very clean, and beautifully colorful.
The Neo Geo probably would have exploded running TGM, especially TMG 3 Shoot, it caught on fire during testing of the first Metal Slug