Techno Source "Tetris Illuminated Mega Screen" Handheld Game

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Rich Nagel, 29 Nov 2014.

  1. Hiya Folks, Long time, no type.

    Just a-wondering if anyone else had bought one of these, a "Tetris Illuminated Mega Screen" LCD handheld game by "Techno Source".


    I bought one the other day from KMart at a reduced price of US$10. It seems to "feel" quite good and and play quite well, and appears to adhere to the Tetris Guidelines (being that it's a handheld, and slightly similar to the original GameBoy LCD "brick" version of the game).

    It will save your high score for each of it's standard game modes (Marathon, Sprint, and Ultra), saves your current game when powered off (so that you can resume the current game that you're playing), has a "sleep" mode when a game is paused (which turns the unit off, allowing you to resume the game at a later time), and has a light switch as well to illuminate the game when playing in a dark room (or at night).

    The unit appears to have been originally released in the fall of 2012, and at that time retailed for about US$30.

    P.S. I've seen several EBay listings for the unit that states that it was manufactured by "Radica", but that is incorrect... it's made by Techno Source.

    Although, I couldn't find any info whatsoever about the unit on their web page at (even on archived copies of the page throughout the past few years over at the Internet Archive "Wayback Machine", at*/ ).
  2. Can't say I know anything about it, but just wanted to say welcome back Rich -- long time no see!
  3. Thanks for the welcome back! :) Yep, it's been a while.

    I've been mostly playing Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat these past few years, but I occasionally start a game or two with my old Tetris favorite... Tetris Classic for DOS :)

    NOW, with this handheld, I can recline my lazy arse back in my chair or bed, and fire up a game of oldschool Tetris :)

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