Tetris Ultimate

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Rosti LFC, 5 Jun 2014.

  1. Blah blah new guideline Tetris game from Ubisoft now has actual details...



    Also videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUctFqwCxO4

    Looks to have all the same issues that most recent guideline games have - all the single-player modes are either time attack (usually DAS limited, rather than player limited) or dodgy score attack with no survival challenge. There's still maybe some hope it won't suck and will actually provide a challenge but I'm a bit sceptical.

    Multiplayer looks somewhat interesting to me. Likely to fall way short from a hardcore competitive standpoint but looks like it might at least provide some decent entertainment value which is all I actually care about these days. It has items, items are always awesome. Don't think it'll overtake the likes of Nullpomino or Cultris for the hardcore scene, but should at least provide a significantly better platform than Tetris Friends currently does.

    Biggest deal for me is that they've announced a PC version. PS4 and XBOne were already on the table, but I totally wasn't expecting a PC release. I take back shit I said in other threads about TTC probably being unwilling to cannibalise the Tetris Battle market with a traditional PC title. I'll probably be buying it twice - PS4 for first release and then PC master race version to actually put serious hours into it.
  2. Oh wow, yeah I was completely apathetic until you mentioned the PC release.

    Makes you wonder what the Tetris license is coming to. Publishers used to fight over getting a license for every individual console, and now it basically got licensed out to everything non-mobile in one big package. Something tells me Ubisoft didn't drop crazy money on it either, or at least the low ambition of the title hides that well.

    This literally has not happened since Tetris Worlds, which is kind of cheating because BPS sort of made that one happen.
  3. I mean they haven't even registered tetrisultimate.com what is this.
  4. Pretty much what I expected after the initial Ubisoft announcement. I'm disappointed though, it looks like they barely tried. They could've at least tried to stray away from the blue crap theme the past 5-10 Tetris games have had.
  5. According to caff's post on HD, game is back to being a bit more like old TF slow -- start-up isn't bad, but iteration is potentially 20hz. I guess that makes it better than old TOJ, but it still feels like a bit of a step back that I was hoping we'd recover after PS3. (Does anyone have values for Puyo Puyo Tetris?)
  6. The game notes mention a "Championship Rules" - could be that there are options for slick DAS, it's just not shown in the video because they're trying to make it look accessible as possible. But yeah, does look somewhat like a step back from the likes of TOJ.

    And yeah, do get the feel that the devs have just kind of decided to run off the license and the name rather than create anything particularly special. Could be there's an element of "eh it's just Tetris, how complicated can you make it?". Or classic "it's already the perfect game" bullshit. I'd suspect that the license comes with restrictions tied to the guideline about what the game has to do and can't do though - might be they're so constrictive there wasn't much Ubisoft could do other than try and make it look pretty.
  7. Ah, didn't see the bit about Championship Rules before. That could be something.

    I think it was mentioned before, but note that all of the screenshots have single preview -- not just the more restrictive 4P UI layout, but single player as well.

    Not a fan of the visual design, but as long as it's functional I guess it's not the end of the world.

    I get that they have to more or less follow the Guideline, but it still feels pretty "meh." It's hard to get especially hype for what looks like (based on present info) "just passably competent, and wow whoa crazy it's even for PC this time and not Flash." Tetris Ultimate seems like a name that is overcompensating for what we're actually likely to receive, but as always I'll try my best to reserve final judgement for when it's actually available for people to play.

    EDIT: As far as items go, they look kind of Guideline "boring gimmicky" and not TGM "fun gimmicky" to me so far. :s
  8. Muf


    > look pretty

  9. Yeah... that block skin...
  10. I didn't see any price information. What do they expect it to be?
  11. I'm curious as to what the system requirements will be for the PC version, when they FINALLY release it.

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